Part 23

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Jay was walking down the street. When a girl pulled him into an alley.

"What-." Jay stopped.

Angela unbuttoned Jay's top, and kissed him.

"No! I. Got. A. Wife." Jay spoke up.

Angela bit Jay's neck, and unbuckled his Jeans.

"Get. Off..." Jay whispered.

Angela smirked, and spoke.

"The more you struggle. The more it'll hurt." Angela whispered.

Jay stayed silent, and got overpowered by Angela's hands.

Soon. Angela left. And Jay was on the ground, sobbing.

Eddie walked down the alley, and noticed Jay.

"Sir? Are you okay?" Eddie asked.

Jay buttoned his shirt back up, and spoke.

"I was raped..." Jay cried out.

Eddie gasped, and called an ambulance.

"Yeah. A man's been raped. I need an ambulance on the corner of 128th Street." Eddie explained.

The Ambulance soon showed up, and transported Jay to Med.

"We got you. Jay..." Gabby whispered.

Jay was slowly passing out. As he fought to stay awake.

The Ambulance pulled into the ambulance bay, and wheeled Jay in.

"What have we got?" Connor asked.

Gabby wheeled the stretcher in, and spoke.

"Detective Jay Halstead. Raped about 10 Minutes ago. Good Civilian found him in the alley. He has bitemarks on his neck. We gave him 4g of Paracetamol. And 2g of Morphine to help with the pain." Gabby explained.

Connor nodded, and wheeled Jay to trauma.

"Okay! Let's get Jay gowned. And have a rape kit on standby." Connor ordered.

The Nurses all busied round, and got Jay comfortable.

"Someone call the 21st District!" Connor instructed.

Monique picked up the phone, and dialled the district.

The call got to the intelligence unit. And Hank rushed out.

"That was Med. Jay's been raped. He's at Med." Hank replied.

The unit all stood up, and bolted downstairs.

Erin parked outside Med. And rushed inside.

"Jay?" Erin called.

Will walked over, and spoke.

"Jay's gone up for his rape exam. You can see him afterwards." Will smiled softly.

Erin sighed, and sat on the cold chairs.

The unit all sat down, and Connor walked out.

"You can see Jay now. Be gentle with him. He might not be up for loads of questions." Connor explained.

The unit nodded, and walked towards Jay's hospital room.

Connor opened the door, and the unit walked in.

As the unit walked in. They looked at Jay.

Jay was lying on his side. The covers pulled over him. While he wiped his tears.

"Jay?" Erin whispered.

Jay let out a sob, and held the pillow tightly.

"Oh. Baby!" Erin pouted.

Erin ran over, and gently picked Jay up.

"It's okay, baby. I got you now..." Erin soothed.

Jay buried his head in Erin's chest, and sobbed.

"Shh. Your safe..." Erin reassured.

Erin started a soft sway, hoping to relax Jay into a sleep.

After a moment. Jay fell asleep in Erin's arms. 

"He's out..." Erin mouthed.

Erin gently lied Jay against the bed, and tucked him in.

"Your safe. My Hot. Handsome. Husband..." Erin complimented.

Erin sat on the vacant couch, and stroked Jay's hand.

After a few minutes. Erin and Jay were fast asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Xoxo Xoxo


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