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Recovery girl:Well your legs now healed but I suggest not to walk around much for the time being.

Ochako:Ok thank you but how am I going to go home and I have a friend waiting for me.

Izuku:I can carry you on my back until we get out that sound good to you.

Ochako:Yeah it sounds good just don't run that fast again please I don't think I'll be able to survive that again.

Izuku then playfully rubbs the back of his hair.

Izuku:Ok I promise not to that again.

Recovery girl:Now that's settled you can leave now.

Izuku and ochako:Ok thanks.

Izuku then carried ochako on his back all the way outside of the school.

Ochako:I'm not heavy right.

Izuku:No in fact you're pretty light so do you see your friend anywhere.

Ochako then starts looking around and spots a girl with dark green long hair with frog like features and started waving at her.


The girl now known as tsu then starts making her way over to the pair worried about her friend

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The girl now known as tsu then starts making her way over to the pair worried about her friend.


Ochako:Woah calm down tsu I just sprained my ankle from trying to get away from the 0 pointer.

Tsu:That makes sense the robot was big it also explains why your on this guys back.

Ochako:Well tsu meet izuku midorya he saved me from the 0 pointer and izuku meet tsuyu asui.

Izuku:Nice to meet you asui-san.

Tsu:Please just call me tsu and thanks for saving my friend.

Izuku:No problem I just did what any other person would have done.

Ochacko:What are you talking about you were the person who defeated that thing and saved so many lives while the other examines ran away to me you deserve to be a hero more than they ever could.

Izuku:Thanks you know it's the first time anyone apart from my mom and mentor praised me.

Ochako and Tsu:Why's that.

Izuku:You see my quirk only recently manifested last month so for most of my life I've been quirkless and people bullied me for that just because I was different from them but I never backed down even after all that so I'm glad to hear that me not giving up saved the lives of many people.

Ochako and tsu were shocked that such a kind person got mistreated just because he was presumed quirkless and yet even after all the mistreatment he got he never backed down from his dream.

DEKU:THE HERO PRODIGYWhere stories live. Discover now