We all start somewhere

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As Jaune stepped out of the bullhead, he groaned as he felt his motion sickness slowly going away as he drank some water.

“I told you to check to see if you had everything, didn't I.” scolded Cloud as rubs The bridge of his nose floating in the air in front of Jaune.

“please just shut up” tiredly mumbled Jaune under his breath only for Cloud to hear.

“well if we look at the brightside Jaune didn't vomit out his lunch now and besides  he's starting to get a better handle of his motion sickness” said Noctis and as soon as he finished saying that Jaune looked alot greener and warped to the nearest trashcan to vomit yesterday's lunch or what’s left of it.

“You were saying?” Said Cloud to Noctis.

“it’s just the nerves… Probably” Noctis said, looking slightly worried for the boy.

“Hey besides, didn't you have motion sickness at one point?” Noctis called him out as Cloud had the gall to look away from them and say.

“I don't know what you're talking about” as if trying to rebuttal the statement.

With Jaune getting a tick mark on his forehead because of the annoyance on the double Standard for Cloud not admit on having the same problem he does and trying to deny it when has his memories of his past were Given to Jaune as he technically became both Cloud and Noctis's reincarnation because they merged their souls Briefly and do to that brief moment Jaune basically somehow became both of their reincarnation by some complicated bullshit.

And for some reason, I felt like this was some badly written hero story of some sort.

As he said that out of nowhere, a metal pot fell on his head as someone yelled out at him.


he just shook it off like it was nothing and his Aura lit up.

As he quickly just wanted to get his luggage and leave, so that's what he did. He grabbed His belongings and left the building.

As Jaune puts down his bags in the room and lets out a sigh as he just went and sat on the bed he takes out his scroll texting his family that he made it safely to Vale and the hotel as he then lays on the bed as he looks up at the roof nothing much going through his mind just randomly thinking of some ideas for upgrading Crocea Mors, as he then holds his hand out as he is then surrounded by crystal looking weapons surrounding him and grabs Crocea as he looks at his fathers sword still in its sheath he looking to see what he could do to add to the family blade but nothing came up to mind as he could only groan in annoyance as then he gets a text from his one of his sister that asked him something.

“Jaune, did you make sure you have everything in your bag?” Rose texted to him, which made him raise an eyebrow as he texted back

“Yeah, why?” he asked them, texting them

“Are you really sure?” As then, she texted a picture of some dust crystals and a scroll with which Jaune was shocked and hopped out of the bed and started to look through his luggage for the items.

as Noctis coughed to get Jaune attention as he did he pointed behind Jaunes belt as some crystals were there as he then scratches the back of his head in embarrassment and didn’t want to text back to his sister reason is to not wanting the embarrassment of a small prank from one of his sisters succeeded into thinking that he left behind his dust.

“It seems that your running low on some Dust, you should restock It’s always good to be prepared for anything that is the most logical thing to do” Advised Noctis to Jaune Who was checking his Dust supply and was running out of Dust specifically wind and fire Dust Jaune nodded in agreement with Noctis but then something came to mind for Jaune.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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