Where Promises Lie

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AN: Hello everyone so the votes are tallied up and most of you Guys chose no, to be honest, I'm kinda saddened but I'll keep my word and do my best in the story I was thinking of writing another part but In where Jaune meets them as kids but as a divergence but I don't know if I should do it but I'm lazy and I'll maybe think about it

And I'm thinking of writing this differently to see if it works or not just let me know to go back to how I originally wrote this but anyways

Third pov

In the forest Grunts of pain are heard when a boy of 7 was doing push-ups but was starting to struggle

"Grr come on not yet, not yet" as sweat around his body was dripping down to the floor (a small Boulder was on his back while doing this BTW)

"How many push-ups has he done now?" Asked Noctis with a shocked look evident on his face

"27" answered Cloud still with an emotionless look on his features but inwardly he is surprised at the boy to push himself so far to protect his dream and goals, pride was felt as Cloud sees that the boy has a lot of untapped potential and with their help in training him and teaching him about other things the boy in front of them could become a better huntsman, no a monster among them but that is for the future, for now, he trains by focusing on his body and mind for the upcoming fight that will mean more than what the boy can ever ask for


"Hmph" as both watched Jaune fall while quickly getting the small Boulder off him and panting trying to regain his breath to normal

"32... I did ...32 ...push... ups... with a small boulder.... on my... back...still...not...good enough" he said between pants as he was focusing on talking to himself he didn't notice someone walking up to him and placed a cold water bottle on the back of his neck

"GAH!" He yelped in surprise as he reached for whatever was put on the back of his neck and quickly turned around and saw a blonde girl with blue eyes the same shade as his own with a cheeky look adorning her face

(What she looks like & I don't own this drawing)

"So working hard or hardly working little brother," said the girl still has the same cheeky look adorning her face

"Magenta what do you want?" Said Jaune with an annoyed tone

"Gasp how could you dear brother can't a loving sister just make sure her small defenseless brother is safe and sound," said Magenta obviously acting hurt by Jaune's words

"Mom sent you to check on me didn't she?" Said Jaune knowing full well that his sisters would mostly look for him when they need his help or his mom sent them to check on him and most of it was when they wanted something that only he can get for them

"Whaaaaat psh noooooo why would she be doing that when I decided to check on my dear cute brother and give some water after a hards days work," she said still trying to keep up the mask while looking at Jaune with a look of disappointment

Jaune seeing the look that his sister is giving him looks at her annoyed Jaune let out a sigh

"What do you want?" Said Jaune picking himself up and patting off the specs of dirt that are left on his clothes while not looking at his sister

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