A New Beginning

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- 9 years later-

As an older looking Jaune  Jaune was standing infront of his father's grave with a bouquet of forget me not's he gently puts them down on a pot as he sadly smiles at the tombstone that contains his father's name reminiscing all the sad, angry happy exciting, moments they were able to enjoy even when they were short till this day it still haunts him that he wasn't able to save his father that he couldn't get there fast enough to save him it was his fault that the bastard Marcus made contact with the Branwen tribe and that it was his fault that the village was attacked cause they were after him 

as Jaune's thinking was going down a negative spiral  he shook his head stopping himself from thinking on something that he couldn't control and that was only a kid yeah he was able to get increadible abilities that anyone could ever dream of but had to work hard for it as well trying to show that he's worthy of the gifts he has been given to learn and master them he still has a lot learn and he's willing to go through the struggle to protect what he holds dear 

"you have my word dad I'll make you proud" he said to the Tombstone as he laid his hand a top of it 


Jaune looked up and saw a Raven on top of a tree as Jaune smirked and walked towards the Raven and then infront of him stood a woman with black hair scarlet red eyes looking at him blankly

"So what's up Ray how are Merc and his girlfriend?" Asked Jaune teasingly as she chuckled with giving him a letter

"Look, yourself" she said as she tossed him a closed letter as he looked at it rasing a brow but opened it as it shows Mercury and Venral both drunk and unconscious on the bar as there was another hand in the picture holding a marker drawing on their unconscious faces and it was hilarious As Jaune couldn't help but laugh at the picture that he was given by Raven

But she still looks at him seriously as he knows what she's worried about

"Raven I'll be careful I promise" he said look at her as a soft smile and she let's out a sigh she really softend after the fight at the bandit camp she  after his little speech she confronted Tai and gave her reasons why she left both him and their daughter that she was being hunted and that she couldn't stay and more and he took it better than she thought at least they were on speaking terms and she looks after her daughter from a distance

'That's what she told me anyways' he thought as he remembers that she took him with from time to time for bounties with Venral trying to "teach him whose boss" and he easily was able to beat her as she constantly kept trying and  failing in fighting him

And also that Mercury was adopted into the Arcs by his mother and it was pretty scary when Mercury accidentally made his mom angry but he was able to become better thanks to their mom like seriously the woman is terrifying when angered as he shuddered in fear of the memory

" I know you can handle yourself I'm more worried of Ozpin will be trying to manipulate you without knowing and remember Don't go all out it will cause him to be more interested in you and your capabilities and he will try to Win you over so Don't believe all the words he tells you cause he always says the hafl truth or withholding an important piece of information that will be vital but I can see that he means well but that doesn't mean I like it" she warned Jaune as she warned him and opens a portal to go back

"Keep your guard up kid" she saidas she walks through the portal

"Bye aunt Raven" said another female voice as it turns out to be Noir as she wears a black leather jacket a black regular shirt with some jeans

As Raven waves without looking back at them 

as Noir looks at him 

"Jaune you ready to go?" she asked him as he nodded his head as he looked at her and then smiled softly at her as they begin to walk back to the village

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