Shocks have aftereffects

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AN: Hey guys. I know that it took me long to update. Sorry for the delay, I gotta pay attention to studies also you know. So anyways, I'm kinda sad that no one commented on that lizdarcy moment I wrote. Never mind, I've given it importance in this chappie.
I have explained Kitty's behaviour too.
I hope you enjoy it. I would like to thank all those who commented and voted and would dearly like to be surprised with many more.
Catherine Bennet was the unnoticed Bennet sister. Had always been. Jane was known for her beauty, Elizabeth for her wit, Mary for her lovely singing and Lydia for her cheerfulness. And who was Kitty? Just a young lady who did not have any much talent to speak of. Yet another lady with tolerable beauty and a happy countenance.
Jane and Elizabeth had always been for one another, Mary had her books and music and Lydia and Georgiana were inseparable. It hurt Kitty to spend her afternoons alone, her dream of being saved from this hell by a knight in shining armour becoming stronger and stronger.
When Mr. Bingley came to Derbyshire, she dared to hope. Dared to hope as never before. Her mother paid her every attention, her sisters took interest in her. She was very happy. And where did all that drama lead to? Mr. Bingley falling for Jane. And did anyone console her, did anyone feel bad for raising her expectations? No. Simply no.
And now, to top it all, three of her sisters had besotted young men following them around. Why, Lizzy had two! And even Mary, who was supposedly the plainest of them all had James Simmons wrapped around her little finger.
In short, Kitty Bennet was fed up. When Lizzy refused Mr. Collins' hand, though funny as it was, Kitty felt jealous. Jealous of the fact that Lizzy had a choice. She knew that she was very young and had many years to find her true love, but she was jealous and lonely and such people are not always wise.
So when Mr. Collins found her alone and on an impulse proposed her marriage, she didn't find it wrong to accept the man she had found to be so odious. She thought that she was being practical by securing Longbourn.
Now, as she stood in front of a gaping Lizzy and a seething William, she was not so sure. Though she had saved Mr. Collins from William, she was shaking with fright from inside as realisation struck her. She had agreed to marry Mr. Collins! And there seemed to be no escape.
A gasp brought her to her senses. Seems Jane and Mr. Bingley had perfect timing and had heard her declaration.
"Kitty? Would you be kind enough to repeat?" Jane said, sure that she heard her little and almost always sensible sister wrong.
Quelling her fear and putting on a calm facade, Kitty said," Jane, I am to marry Mr. Collins."
"What?" someone shrieked from behind her. To be more specific, Mrs. Bennet.
There, now there is absolutely no escape. None at all. She slowly turned to see her mother standing with Lady Lucas, her eyes as wide as they could be.
"Oh Kitty dear! You have made me so happy! Oh, my nerves! Did you hear, Lady Lucas? Kitty is to marry Mr. Collins! Kitty dear, you have made me so happy!" Mrs. Bennet continued her rambling and soon, Richard, Charlotte, Lydia and Georgiana were also privy to the good news, all of them speechless by the revelation.
Mr. Collins was fortunate enough to remember a vital fact that he was yet to ask for Mr. Bennet's permission and excused himself saying so.
Darcy's POV
I watched as Mr. Collins exited the room. I am supposed to be angry at that toad of a man. And at Kitty. Especially at Kitty. No reason in the world would be reason enough for her to accept him unless she loved him, and that I know to be impossible. Of course I know all of this. Then why does my mind venture to the fact that a particular Miss Bennet is holding my hand?
She must be really shocked. I must say something. How about you are welcome to continue holding my hand forever? Uff! Focus, Darce.
"Miss Bennet. Pray, are you well?"
I think she didn't realise that her hand was on mine, for she did not release it. Rather, she looked up at me and said in a haughty tone,
"What makes you feel that I am unwell, Mr. Darcy? I surely am stronger at heart than you believe me to be."
I couldn't help but smile at this.
"I am happy to hear that. I just thought that you were clenching my hand because you felt weak." I whispered in her ear mischievously.
Though she instantly released my hand, I was rewarded with a deep blush that quite became her.
Out of POV
The exchange, which was expected to go unnoticed by the two involved was actually noticed by many. Richard and Charlotte, who were obviously watching them noticed it and exchanged satisfied smiles. Whereas, Jane was left very confused to first see their locked hands and then to see their red faces. Had I missed something, she thought. She knew that there was no point in asking Lizzy. She would merely laugh it off and then start teasing her about Bingley. William it is then, she firmly decided. But first things first. Kitty's issue was to be resolved. And then, Mr. Bennet's permission regarding a particular courtship had to be sought, she thought, smiling to herself.

Collins' POV
Never in my life had I seen a person looking at me with so much disbelief as Mr. Bennet did on hearing my declaration. Mr. Bennet not only denied to believe the news but also started accusing me of spreading false rumours about his daughter.
He was convinced however, when he heard the words falling from Miss Kitty's lips. I could not fathom the hurt in his eyes and felt a stabbing feeling cross my heart when I realised that I was the one to be actually blamed. Mr. Bennet gave his permission after he found his voice. And when he did, I could feel the anger and displeasure laced in his statement.
I looked at Miss Kitty or now, my betrothed. She was smiling at her mother's effusions, but her eyes glinted with unshed tears and I knew that they were not of happiness.
Soon, it was time for the Pemberly party to return and in the whole hustle bustle, I saw a figure slipping out of the room unnoticed. Miss Kitty's.
I followed her and called out her name, which made her stop and turn, and now she stood facing me, her tears flowing freely. I walked towards her and gently took her hand.
" It hurts me to see you cry, Miss Kitty. Especially since I know that I am to be blamed."
At her shocked expression, I continued,
"I am no fool, Miss Kitty. I do understand that you accepted me not because you liked me. I know that you were being practical. But then, so was I. I had never thought that I would end up in such a situation. I truly wished to marry Miss Elizabeth. I believed myself to be in love with her. Her refusal broke my heart. I will not deny the fact that I proposed to you out of bitterness. I had come here with a purpose, I had to find a wife. And I thought I was doing the right thing by proposing to you. I never thought about you, about your feelings. Please forgive me for that. "
"What is done is done, Mr. Collins. You are not to be blamed. I knew what I was doing when I accepted you. You need not ask for my forgiveness." she said with a slight smile.
"You are too good, Miss Kitty. Yes, what is done is done. We are to marry. But let me promise you that I will never do anything that you would find disagreeable. We may never love each other, but I will make it my priority to keep you happy." I said earnestly.
Her slight smile had turned into a huge one and she looked at me fondly. I had seen mere politeness, sometimes pity adorn people's faces as they looked at me, but never had I made someone smile so fully.
Her next lines were something which I would always cherish in my life.
"You have shown me a side of yours which no one has ever witnessed before. I, for one, never thought you could speak so earnestly, and so charmingly. You have made me feel a lot better, Mr. Collins, I thank you for that."
Saying so, she walked a few steps ahead before turning her head slightly and saying,
"And I may come to love you eventually, Mr. Collins."
AN: There you go. Yes, I put Collins in good light. I always felt bad for him. Please tell me how it was. More the comments, faster the next chapter. Bye!!

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