The Ball-2

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I believe it was previously told that all the people in the room had watched Lizzy's dance with Mr. Simmons. Well, now the only addition was that everyone's mouth hung open. One could feel the tense air as William led Lizzy to the dance. Mrs. Bennet and Lady Anne looked as if they desperately needed their smelling salts, while Mr. Bennet and Mr. Darcy took it as a new subject for them to tease their children with. The rest of the hall became silent. We cannot blame them; it was not everyday that one would see archenemies dancing together.

Now to talk about our dear Lizzy and William. After Lizzy accepted William's hand (for the dance, of course), he offered his arm, dazed, and Lizzy accepted, equally dazed. They were oblivious to others' reaction as they took their positions and waited for the music to begin. A slow song began and they started dancing to it, gazing into each other's eyes. If Lizzy was trying to fathom how brown his eyes were, it was not noted by him, for he was occupied in something of a similar kind. Sparks flew as her gloved hands touched his ungloved ones, and the whole air felt electric. No, not sweet and romantic, but electric. This was the first time that they had ever danced together, and undoubtedly the best dance they both had ever had.

Not only did they feel it, the whole room did. They all had seen Lizzy and William bickering, teasing the other, sometimes even resorting to malicious ways to win their fight. But never, ever had they seen the two together. Never had they imagined Lizzy and William together. Now seeing them together, they could just have one thought in their mind- what a great couple! Yes, Lizzy and William looked as if they were made for each other.

"Oh dear! Lizzy is dancing with William! Am I dreaming?" Lydia was the first to respond after the lapse of shocked silence. With that, the whole room came out of the trance and started babbling with each other, undoubtedly about the matter at hand.

Three people could be seen sulking, John, Collins and Caroline, to be exact. While John looked defeated and dejected, Collins and Caroline were more than determined to win their goal.

With Lydia's exclamation, William and Lizzy had also noticed the attention they were getting, and had turned red with embarrassment. Both looked as if they had just realised what they were doing. While Lizzy looked down, unable to meet his eyes, he looked around at the other couples, the chattering crowd, even the common decor, anywhere but at Lizzy.

Darcy's POV

What am I doing? How could I ask Miss Bennet to dance? I am supposed to hate her. And now we are the main topic in the room and probably for the coming days too.

Fine, my thoughts were in a turmoil and so I asked her, by mistake, of course. But she was in control of her senses! Why did she accept me? Maybe she doesn't hate me anymore? Thin chance. Why do I care if she hates me or not, it is not as if I will like her. Or will I? No, I won't. Anyways John is going to propose her marriage. Or maybe he already has.

A sort of fear came over my mind, a fear I couldn't understand nor fathom. I would have given it another thought, if she hadn't spoken with that damn good voice.

I looked at her, dumbfounded, as she looked up at me expectantly. Oh, she is waiting for an answer. But I didn't hear the question, just her voice.

I blushed (when did I start doing that?) and asked her,


Lizzy's POV


He is asking me to repeat my statement, with that deep rich voice of his. And is he blushing?

Speaking once was a herculean task. Now to repeat again.

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