Chapter 2: Meeting the Bennets

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Two hours later, the Bennets' carriage entered Pemberly, and four mouths hung open at the sight of the house. As the carriage pulled to a stop, three figures, one tall and built, one shapely and petite and one small yet cute could be seen at the entrance.

Mr. Bennet stepped out and helped his wife and eldest two daughters out. Mr. Darcy stepped forward to welcome them.

"Welcome Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet. And these I suppose are your eldest two?"

"Yes, this is my eldest, Jane and this is my second child Elizabeth."

Jane Bennet looked like one of those typical sweet and shy children, with her blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Elizabeth Bennet on the other hand looked exactly the opposite. Sure, she looked sweet too, but her eyes showed otherwise. Her amber eyes were lit up with mischief and her brown hair looked positively wild. She was a small little thing, but seemingly full of energy. She was looking around curiously, and the first thing that entered Mr. Darcy's mind - keep breakable things away from this one.

Smiling at his own thoughts, Mr. Darcy turned to his family to introduce them.

"Mr. Bennet, may I present to you my wife, Lady Anne Darcy and my son, Master Fitzwilliam Darcy."

"Very nice to meet you, Lady Anne, Master Fitzwilliam." Mr. Bennet said, smiling especially at the cute and proper little boy before him. His dark hair was rumpled, but his brown eyes had a kind of spark which showed intelligence. What an interesting child, he thought.

He was jerked away from his thoughts by hearing Lady Anne's voice say:

"Well, let's go inside. It won't do to allow our new neighbours to catch a cold by making them stand outside, would it?"

"Yes, yes let's go in."

And with that, all the adults went in, leaving the three children behind.

"Come Lizzy, we'll go inside too" said Jane in a sweet sing song voice.

"Do come in. Mamma must be waiting" said Fitzwilliam cordially.

"Are you shcared of youl mamma, Fitshwilliam?" Lizzy said with a lisp and then started giggling.

"Lizzy..." Jane said warningly.

"Why are you laughing so much?" Fitzwilliam said, getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Oh, itsh nothing. Youl name ish shooo funny." Lizzy said, now laughing openly.

Fitzwilliam was now very angry.

"You are so rude. You are a very bad girl. I don't like you. You think you are clever? Look at you, so tiny and with such a bad lisp!"he literally yelled.

"Please don't fight. We can be good friends!" Jane begged, but the deed was done. Lizzy started crying and ran into the house, Jane and Fitzwilliam following. Their parents, who were having a good time, were shocked to find a crying Lizzy run in through the door.

"Lizzy! What happened, child? Why are you crying?" Mrs. Bennet asked as her daughter ran towards her and hugged her, still crying.

"Mamma, that... that boy Fitshwilliam... he... he called me shmall...he told I am bad. I don't like 'im mamma. Letsh go 'ome!" Lizzy said in between sobs.

Hearing this, Mrs. Darcy asked her son, who had come in with Jane," What is this William? Why did you behave like this? Have I not taught you not to tease anyone? I am very disappointed. "

"It's not like that, mamma. She started it. She told that I am scared of you and that my name is funny! If you don't believe me, ask Jane!"

"Is that so, Lizzy? Why did you tease him? You are such a naughty girl. I thought that you would change as you grow bigger, but no, you get worse day by day." Mrs. Bennet admonished her.

"It is alright, Mrs. Bennet. She is a child. Please do not shout at her. William is big, he should have had more sense." Mrs. Darcy said with a disapproving glance at William.

"It is no one's fault. Children are after all, children. They will come out of this fight, you'll see. Come here, William, Lizzy." Mr. Darcy said.

They both walked up to him obediently, Lizzy still sobbing.

"Now, say sorry to each other."


"I'm sholly."

"Good, now go and play. Jane, keep a watch over them." Mr. Bennet said, dismissing them.

Before they ran off, each one glared at the other, and both knew one thing- they were never ever going to come off this fight.

And thus began the infamous enmity between one Fitzwilliam Darcy and one Elizabeth Bennet.

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