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AN: Hi guys. I know it has been long. This was in my draft and since I so wanted to post it today, I am. It is unedited, so forgive me. Enjoy.

She smiled again. She slowly opened her eyes to see a pair of very, very familiar brown eyes staring at her curiously.
Oh. No.
"Have you finally lost it, Miss Bennet? Why in the world are you sitting in the middle of nowhere, eyes closed, and smiling to yourself?"
"Hello to you too, Mr. Darcy."
"I would like an answer to my query. What brought you to my alcove, especially when many of your party and mine are missing you right now?"
"Pardon me? Did you refer to this alcove as yours? You must be mistaken, Mr. Darcy, because I can assure you that this has been my alcove since I was seven. So I might as well ask what you are doing here."
"Apart from the fact that we now stand on Pemberly's grounds, this has been my secret hideout since very long."
"What a wonderment that we've never come across each other then!"
"A wonderment indeed. But I would still like to know what brought you here today."
Lizzy seemed to have an internal conflict. One might say that she was torn between sticking her tongue out to him as an answer to his stubborn questioning and actually answering him. She decided to go with the latter.
"I was just trying to avoid those concerned parties you mentioned."
"What pranks did you pull off now, Miss Bennet? Was it on poor Bingley, or James, maybe? You do have a habit of scaring your sisters' suitors."
Lizzy smiled proudly. She replied,
"No, Mr. Darcy. You see, this is of a more personal nature. I was avoiding quite a few people. Let's see." She started counting of on her fingers. "I'm avoiding Richard, Charlotte, Jane and oh yes, Lydia."
Darcy gave her an amused smile.
"That's almost half of the party! Are you reaching new levels of annoying people?"
"I will reconsider being courteous to you, Mr. Darcy. I, for one, am trying to be an exemplary lady by not pulling pranks on anyone, and you keep on provoking me. Anyways, the only prank that I had intended to pull was on you, and I failed."
"On me?" He said incredulously. "You were really going to pull a prank on me? One day I would like to know what I did to endure this eternal punishment from you. What was your plan? You might as well tell me, now that you have revealed your nefarious intentions."
"Well, I had planned on encouraging Miss Caroline Bingley to, ahem, encroach your personal space. Only Lydia was aware of my plans. But when we arrived, I happened to notice that the only way she would have encroached your personal space more would be by her climbing on top of you. So naturally, I failed. That had been my only plan for entertainment. I simply refuse to be in the vicinity of those love eyed couples. And since I failed my dare, Lydia is out to taunt me. I had to escape, there was no other way."
Darcy POV
I could scarcely believe my ears. Here I was, with my conflicting feelings for her, trying to keep her from invading my every dream, and she wanted me to be in the clutches of that, that dragon?  Did I simply imagine this spark between us?
My dearest mother had organised a picnic and had invited the whole Netherfield party and the Simmons. I was partly happy and partly nervous about seeing Elizabeth again. Happy about the fact that John was unable to attend as business called him to London, nervous about Richard planning to woo her now.
And amidst all these feelings, I was excited. I imagined her entering the room, her eyes searching for me, a shy smile gracing her lips. She would find me, and her legs would bring her to me unconsciously...
Would you like to know what she did? She stormed into the room, Lydia chasing her, and ran into Richard. He held her by her shoulders, steadying her and gave her an adoring gaze. She gave him her sweetest smile.
Yes, my feelings were conflicted no more. I saw her in his arms and I knew. I liked her. I liked her a lot.
And then she searched the room. I was hopeful again. Her eyes brightened as they found what they were searching. No, not me. Georgiana. By then, I had lost any remaining hope that she would even give me a glance.
I had hardly noticed Miss Bingley sliding up to me. She finally looked in my direction and saw me. Or rather saw Miss Bingley and me. I noticed a glimmer of disappointment in her countenance. I had thought that it was jealousy peeking through. Well now I knew. It was the disappointment of losing an opportunity to prank me!
The large group started walking towards the picnic spot. Elizabeth was walking with Richard, her arm resting on his. She was smiling, but also had a confused expression. I believe Richard wooing her all of a sudden must have been a shock to her too.
As soon as they reached the clearing, Elizabeth made some excuses and rushed into the woods. I was sorely tempted to take off after her, but I was unable to, thanks to the lady on my arm. No, not Miss Bingley, but Miss Lucas. She had attached herself to my arm as we were leaving, and had been giving me demure glances since then. Saying that I was surprised would be an understatement. She had barely given me a glance all the times I had met her. Surely her mother had put her up to it. As we finally reached the spot (she was an unnaturally slow walker), I escaped.
My intuition had brought me to my alcove. And there she sat, a soft smile gracing her lips, eyes closed, a beautiful image that would forever be etched into my mind.
I smiled involuntarily. I approached her, said those words and then I stood scarcely believing my ears...
"Mr. Darcy? Are you still with me?"
I snapped my attention to her.
"What do you want me to say, Miss Bennet? Is it not enough that I need to bear all these conniving women? I am used to you plotting against me by now."
"Don't take it to heart, Mr. Darcy, it is all in good fun. And if you bear the women, I need to bear many fools too. Now that we are on that topic, what in the name of Lord got into Richard? He was reciting sonnets, Will, sonnets!"
"Did you just call me Will?" I smirked.
"No, I definitely did not. Will you just answer my question?" She said colouring.
"I have no idea about what you are referring to. Do you fancy a notion of Richard admiring you?"
"I know not what to think. People and their fluctuating behaviours have never ceased to amuse me, but Richard too? That is far too much."
"Would you accept his advances, if that were the case?"
Lizzy POV

I contemplated his question. Would I accept Richard's advances? Absolutely not! But was I obligated to tell Darcy that? Absolutely not!
"At this point, I do not know what to think. How many proposals can a lady refuse? She has to accept one day, and who knows what situation fate will bring me to. I had better not exhaust all my good options." I said, with a wry smile. I saw his face drop a bit. Serves him right for ignoring me the entire hour and half.  
I had been excited and nervous to visit Pemberly. I had been teasing Lydia about her bonnet as we both ran into the drawing room, only for me to run into Richard. I had smiled at him, but my heart had started pounding in my chest due to a completely different reason. I could see Will from where I stood and I saw him look at me. But before I could make any move towards him, his eyes had turned away and to hide my disappointment, I had sought out Georgiana. I looked at him after greeting her, just to see that vile Caroline Bingley entwining her arms with his. Sure, I had accepted that dare, but that definitely didn't mean that I was prepared to see him with her. I walked away before my face could turn green with jealousy and had kept myself busy with Richard. We had finally reached the spot when I turned back to see Charlotte with him. That was the last straw. I had taken off in the direction of my alcove to get some peace, and I was succeeding in my endeavour, when this infuriating man graced me with his admonishing words and his handsome face and…
“ -so I think that you accepting Richard is not as preposterous as you would think it is”
I hadn't heard what he had been saying, but whatever it was, I was not one to let it slide.
“Mr. Darcy, could you kindly remind me when I asked you to opine about my life decisions? I believe you have your hands full with your suitors. Wouldn't it be a great task for you to take care of them as well as check on mine?”
“Suitors? I don't believe I follow what you are saying.” His face showed confusion. Could he really be that naïve?

“Let me remind you. Have you forgotten the great Caroline Bingley? And of course, Charlotte too. You seemed to enjoy your time with her. I saw you laughing at one point and you hardly ever laugh!”

“That's not true! I laugh quite a lot. And Miss Lucas is definitely pursuing me due to her mother's prodding.”

“How can you think of her as so shallow? Did it cross your mind that she probably, genuinely likes you?” If he was confused before, I wouldn't know what to name the expression on his face now.

“But how is that possible? I have never spoken to her before today. I am positive that every time I saw her, she was with Richard. She never even spared me a second glance.”

It was my turn to be confused. Charlotte had surely implied that they had been in each others company from quite some time.

“Why would she lie to me then?” That was so unlike her. I couldn't believe that Charlotte would make up something like that. Unless…

Every piece fell into place.

I looked into his eyes, excited.

“I believe there is something I know that would interest you greatly.”

AN: I hope you liked it. Be sure to comment and let me know how it was. I feel like their problems are ending too quickly. Do you want Wickham? Maybe OOC like the other characters? Let me know. Love y'all.

Love Happens - a pride and prejudice fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz