Another arrival

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 AN: Hello lovely people! 500 plus reads! I am very elated. Do keep reading, and vote if you like it! So here is the next chapter. Sorry, no one gets the virtual gifts as only one person guessed who is arriving in this chapter and unfortunately, it was a wrong one. But this chapter is dedicated to ev2017 for trying to make a guess and following the story from the very beginning.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Pr-

Darcy: *pissed* Really? Do you think that the people out there will even imagine that you own us? And who are you calling characters? 

Me: *swooning* Mr. Darcy, is that really you? And did you just speak to me?

Elizabeth: *dragging Mr. Darcy* I told you so many times not to go out there, William. Those fangirls will eat you alive! Come now, let's go and leave this crazy person to tell the world our story.

Heehee, that was fun. So continue reading.


The next morning, Lizzy woke up before anyone else and went for her usual walk. She smiled to herself as the cool morning air brushed her face. This was her daily routine. She would walk aimlessly into the woods, pick some wild flowers, read a book sitting under her favourite tree and then return home.

  Like any other day, she sat under her tree and was reading her book. But unlike any other day, she found her mind wandering to the events of the previous day.

  It really was a good ball, she thought. And an interesting one, for that matter. First, I get to dance with two men who are vying for my attention. One dance is good, while the other, embarrassing. Then, I receive an almost proposal from John. I run away from him just to meet Will who asks me to dance. Wait, Will? Is he now Will?

She let out a deep sigh, and opened her eyes( when did she start reading with her eyes closed?) and jumped. A pair of blue eyes was staring at her. Jane.

 "Oh Jane! Its just you. You gave me a fright!" she said.

"Well, obviously you would be scared dear. After all, you were so engrossed in reading, with your eyes closed, and sighing about it." Jane replied, with a look that showed amusement.

  Lizzy just smiled and stood up. She and Jane started walking towards the house, hand in hand.

"So Lizzy, why do I feel that you owe me an explanation?" Jane asked, smilingly.

"See Jane, even I don't know what happened yesterday. Mr. Darcy just came abruptly and asked me to dance, and so shocked was I that I accepted. I might say that I wanted to escape a particular Mr. Simmons too, because he was about to propose to me. "

Jane took it all in, and then her lips curled into a slow, sly smile.

"Thank you Lizzy for giving such a detailed explanation. I had actually meant that you owe me an explanation for your sighing, but I think I have the answer for that. You were daydreaming about William, weren't you?"

She laughed out loud and began to run as Lizzy chased her with a murderous look on her face.

 In no time, both women entered their house red faced and panting. As soon as they entered, Mrs. Bennet literally pounced on Lizzy and said,

"You owe me an explanation, young lady."

Jane started snickering as Lizzy said with an innocent face,

"What about, mama?"

"Do not trifle with me, girl. You very well know what I am talking about."

"I don't understand, Mama."

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