"Calm down, you haven't even been offered a definite place yet!" Maeve exclaimed though she wasn't exactly in the position to be turning down admissions from willing participants. She also decided to ignore his  suggestion at a super original team name altogether, not giving into his stupid jokes even if they were a bit funny.

"You need us Maeve let's be honest." George laughed making Maeve scowl at him. She knew it was true, it was just that George would never get the words "You're right" out of her. Would do far too much for his already huge ego. 

"You really do have a large head don't you." She replied instead. Arthur clasped his hands to his mouth in shock as George just stared blankly at the girl who struggled to contain her smile. 

"Funny, how long did it take you to think of that?" He deadpanned as Maeve held her finger to her chin and looked up to the sky pretending to think for a moment.

"How long did it take your mum to push your head out? Must've been a strenuous task." 

"George how are you just sitting here and taking this disrespect? Me personally, I wouldn't have that." Arthur asked in an attempt to instigate the argument further. 

"Anything Maeve says will never come close to being as funny as her type in men so its alright." He retorted making Maeve roll her eyes. 

"That's funny cause I think you're fit." 

"How can you say that about your boyfriends best friend!" George joked, trying to turn Maeve into the bad guy as she fought back to his childish comments. 

"Bold of you to assume Arthur views you as a friend, let alone a best friend."  

"So you aren't arguing that he's your boyfriend? Weird." George teased, pouting his lips and glancing around the room. Maeve decided to end the conversation at that as Chris and Darcey returned to their table, drinks in hands and unaware of their discussion, giving George a final glare before turning to thank Chris for her drink.

They sipped slowly, laughing at stupid jokes each of them would make. Chris had come to ask Maeve if she wanted to be in a cooking video that he was planning on filming that day, and by being in the video he meant standing on the sides and helping him. He'd initially been planning on having just Maeve regulate and score dishes but had also invited Darcey along too as they waited for their coffees. 

Of course the pair happily agreed, only on the condition that they got to make their own dish as well which Chris wasn't particularly pleased about. 

"But you're both just going to win!" He groaned as Maeve and Darcey high fived each other across the table. 

"That's the whole point!" Maeve giggled at the frustrated man .

"Way to have faith in our culinary skills Chris." Arthur complained, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry but they're just better." 

"Why are they better Chris? Have you ever even seen either of them cook before?" George asked with a knowing look. 

"No, but-" Chris began before Maeve cut him off. 

"Is it because we're women?" 

"Yes." He admitted making everyone erupt into laughter. 


They had soon finished their drinks and were up and away, across the street to waterstones upon Darcey's request before they went back to the boys apartment which thankfully wasn't too far away. Maeve enjoyed reading, but not as much as Darcey who seemed nothing short of obsessed. So whilst she searched the shelves with Arthur, Maeve alongside Chris and George found their way to the gift shop section. 

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