|Chapter 9: A Mysterious Night|

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"Can you wear heels?" I asked abruptly, shifting gears, and testing her obedience.

She nodded hesitantly, her nerves palpable in the air. With a curt command, I instructed her to retrieve certain items, laying out my expectations with a chilling clarity that brooked no argument.

JK: Go fetch the dress and heels and get ready within 20 minutes. I'll be waiting here.

Y/N: Wh-why do I need to get ready so quickly?

JK: [locks eyes with her, his gaze intense] Just do it.

Y/N: [feeling uneasy] Okay, I'll hurry. 

"Sorry," she murmured softly before leaving, her voice laden with uncertainty.

As she scurried to comply, I cursed myself inwardly. Why did I have to be so harsh? Why did I always push her away, only to pull her back in when danger loomed?

But there was no room for sentimentality, not when her safety hung in the balance. I couldn't afford to let her wander into the unknown, not without my protection.

Left alone in the silence of the room, I grappled with my conflicting emotions.

Jeon Jungkook, you fool. Why must you always complicate things? But despite my frustration, one thing remained crystal clear—I couldn't let her go, not now, not ever.

[After 15 minutes]

[After 15 minutes]

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Y/N: [returns, wearing the outfit] Is this alright?

JK: [momentarily caught off guard by her presence, clears his throat] Y-yes, that's fine. Let's... let's go.

Y/N: [puzzled by his reaction but doesn't press further] Alright.

JK: [walking beside her, his tone cold] We're attending a party. Follow my lead.

Y/N: [staying silent as they make their way to the event]


[At the party]

[At the party]

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My Mafia Husband |JK FF| Jiyeong00Where stories live. Discover now