Chapter 48: Chuckles and Bubby

Start from the beginning


"What about you?"

"I sing, Chuckles," She paused.
"-everyday.I have a baby brother and he's still six months old. He's the cutest thing.He-" she exhales.

"I sing him lullabies and he goes straight to sleep."

"Could I hear one?"

"No!"she practically yelled.

I laughed. "Come on, just one line."

"No. It's for my baby brother and only him."

One of the Tuesdays🥀

"Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?"

"Flying a kite,"she answered immediately. "I've always wanted to fly one but I don't have the money. Everywhere I look it's crazy expensive."

"Yeah and would you really want to waste money on something that has a ninety nine percent chance of flying away."

"No, but still. It would be fun.You?"

"...There's this reality T.V show called Survivor. You're in the wild or an island and you have to–"

"I know what show you're talking about.Chuckles, you do not want to be a contestant on survivor."

I laughed. "I do. It's a little dream of mine."

"A dream of death."

"Come on, Bubby," I defended myself. "What's life without a little bit of adventure."


I laughed.

"You have to be eighteen and the money is expensive to join but oneday..."

"Oneday." She repeated, "I like that about dreams. The fact that they can feel so close yet so distant but also at the same time made real with one word. Oneday."

She spoke like a poet sometimes, like she thought deeply about everything.
I thought that, that was perfection.

"I like that too. Oneday..."

One of the Fridays 🥀

"How do you feel about your relationship with your mother Bubby?"

"It's crazy to even say it loud Chuckles but she's just like me." I could hear the happiness in her voice and I loved the sound of it.

"-In almost every way and I feel like that makes it easier to understand each other but sometimes we clash in the worst ways."


"Despite all that I always home with her. I know you might be thinking of course, she's your mother but...there's a sense of belonging that I have with her and...yeah." She concluded her endless thoughts.

It was my turn to be quiet.

A sense of belonging.

"Chuckles?" She called out, uncertain if I was still there.

"I'm here Bubby. Just thinking."

"Of? If you don't mind me asking."she quickly added.

"What you said. A sense of belonging. I think that you could feel that with others aswell."

"I...think so."

More silence.

"I guess it's my turn," I said, clearing my throat.

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