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Avery Callum


These past weeks had been a blur of uncertainty and tension, with Jude and I trapped in a silent standoff that seemed to grow more suffocating with each passing day. We hadn't spoken since that phone call, and in the absence of communication, the silence between us had only deepened.

I found myself being angry, frustrated, hurt, and above all, a gnawing sense of unease. I didn't know where Jude and I stood anymore. Were we still together? Had our relationship crumbled under the weight of our first big misunderstanding? The questions plagued my mind, but I had no answers.

I couldn't help but notice the absence of his presence in my life. His texts, his calls, his kisses, his stares, his laughter – they were all absent, leaving behind a hollow emptiness that seemed to echo.

But it got worse when I checked Instagram to see that he had deleted or archived all our photos together and pictures of me. Seeing that was a dagger to my heart, he erased everything almost as if I wasn't there to begin with.

In a moment of impulse, I decided to do the same, archiving our shared memories from my profile. Little did I know, our actions would fuel the gossip sites and blogs, with rumors were now that we had broken up. But the truth was far more complicated than that – we hadn't broken up, but we hadn't exactly stayed together either.

Amidst the chaos of my personal life, I found comfort in throwing myself into my work, channeling my energy and frustration into wrapping up my latest campaign. I was in the midst of a particularly intense day at the office when Lucia, burst into the room, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Avery, you have to see this!" she exclaimed, thrusting her phone in my direction. "It's an interview with Marcus Rashford, and he's talking about working with you!"

I took the phone from her, my curiosity piqued. Marcus Rashford? The mention of his name sent a ripple of memories flooding back—our last encounter at Dominik's party. And now, here he was, mentioning me in an interview. What could he possibly have to say? It couldn't have been at an even worst timing too.

As I scrolled through the article, my eyes widened in surprise. There, in black and white, were Marcus's words, praising our collaboration and commending my talent and dedication. It was a glowing endorsement, one that filled me with a sense of pride and validation.

But amidst the praise, there was also a sense of unease. What would Jude think of this? Would he see Marcus's words as a betrayal, a further indication of my supposed disloyalty? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gripped me.

"Thank you, Lucia," I said quietly, handing her back the phone. "I appreciate you bringing this to my attention."

She nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with excitement. "Isn't it amazing? Marcus Rashford, talking about you in an interview! You must be thrilled!"

I managed a weak smile, but inside, my thoughts were a mess. Marcus's words were a bittersweet reminder of the connections I had forged and the bridges I had burned. And as I grappled with the possible implications of his interview, I couldn't shake the feeling that the storm brewing between Jude and me was far from over.

As the day continued, I found myself thrown in the details of campaign reports and strategy meetings, it wasn't the best distraction but it sufficed. Stepping into the conference room for our weekly progress meeting, I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for the discussions ahead.

The Only One for You | Jude Bellingham (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя