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Jude Bellingham
Just the beginning


"Why does it look like the color green threw up on you?" Jobe asked, tilting his head to the side as he scanned my outfit.

"You're right, let me go change." If there's one thing Jobe is, it's brutally honest. Even though I'm older, it's more likely that I'd listen to him than the other way around.

In preparation for the evening, I decided to spruce up my look. I quickly did an outfit change and went for a sharp navy blue suit from Tom Ford that fit just right. The fine craftsmanship and attention to detail showed off Tom Ford's signature style. Underneath, I wore a crisp white dress shirt from Eton, keeping things classy and comfortable.

I added a touch of sophistication with a classic Rolex Submariner watch on my wrist, a subtle choice. Keeping it minimal, I opted just for silver cufflinks from Montblanc, complementing the navy and white ensemble. The accessories added a refined edge to the overall look.

To complete the outfit, I went for polished black Oxfords from John Lobb, sticking to that timeless elegance. A touch of Creed's Aventus cologne added a nice scent to the mix and I was ready for the night.

The night was set in motion at my favorite restaurant, renowned for its exquisite cuisine and elegant ambiance. The venue boasted a sophisticated décor, adorned with details that reflected a commitment to what one would call the finer things to life.

"You look like money" Jobe smiled. "Yea this outfit definitely won't get you blocked."

"Thanks bro" I said fetching my car keys heading out.

As I made my way to her apartment, I was nervous. I couldn't shake the nervous energy that mirrored the pre-game jitters I often experienced.

Upon arriving at Avery's apartment, I couldn't help but admire the soft glow coming from her living room. Stepping out of the car, I took a moment to compose myself, eager to make this night memorable for both of us.

As I stood there awaiting her, my breath caught in my throat as she opened the door, revealing her captivating presence.

The soft glow of the lamp accentuated the contours of her features, casting a warm light on the elegance she exuded. Time seemed to momentarily pause as I took in the sight before me.

Her beauty was not just skin deep; it radiated from within, a captivating blend of grace and allure. The subtle details, from the way her outfit complemented her figure to the grace with which she moved. A warm smile played on my lips as I greeted her.

"Hey" she said shyly.

"Hey" I said almost mirroring her shyness, what has gotten over me? I quickly made my way around to get the door for her allowing her to get it.

Once I was in, I strapped on my seatbelt thinking of the fastest route to take.

"You look beautiful by the way" I said stealing a quick glance taking her in once more before driving off. Beautiful didn't quite captivate how truly gorgeous she was looking right now.

"Thanks, you look good yourself" without looking at her I smiled.

Last time I asked someone out on a date I sent a driver for them, in fact I've always sent a driver. This was the first time I was actually doing the pick up. Honestly I just wanted to spend every moment possible with her.

The Only One for You | Jude Bellingham (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now