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Avery Callum
The unexpected


As I settled back into the routine of work, Lucia, couldn't wait to catch up on the details of my trip with Jude. She played a vital role in my extra days happening, so I had no problem filling her in. We shared a few laughs about my adventures in Mykonos, from the picturesque landscapes to the unexpected encounters with fans.

Lucia's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she asked about the highlights, and I found myself reliving those moments. Whether it was the vibrant sunset on the beach or the intimate dinner overlooking the city lights, each memory carried a special warmth that I couldn't help but share.

"It sounds like you had an amazing time in Mykonos! The pictures you shared were breathtaking." She commented. I didn't even know she kept up my online activities.

After indulging Lucia's curiosity about the trip, we transitioned to the more business-oriented topic—the upcoming campaign with Serena.

She handed me a folder. "We managed to keep things running smoothly while you were away."

"Thanks, Luce! I appreciate all your efforts. How did everything go in my absence?" I inquired.

"Well, the team held down the fort admirably. We made progress on the ongoing projects, and your input, even from Mykonos, kept everything on track."she walked me through the accomplished tasks and ongoing initiatives.

"It looks like you all did fantastic work. Any unexpected challenges?" I asked, feeling a sense of reassurance.

"Nothing major. We encountered a few minor hiccups, but the team handled them seamlessly." Lucia's thoughtful response highlighted the team's competence.

"I couldn't have asked for a better team. Thanks for keeping everything on track," I expressed gratitude.

As she left my office I turned my attention back to my work, trying to regain focus. However, the tranquility of the moment was shattered when my phone chimed, signaling an incoming message.

I reached for my phone, unlocking the screen to reveal a message from my mom. The words blurred momentarily as I read, "Dad's in the hospital. He met in a bad accident. Stable condition." The impact of those words sent a shockwave through me, and a surge of emotions threatened to overwhelm my composure.

My dad, the steady anchor of our family, was in the hospital. I felt a knot tightening in my chest, a profound sense of powerlessness creeping in. Being thousands of miles away in Spain while my family faced this crisis in New York intensified the feeling of helplessness.

A flood of thoughts and emotions swirled inside of me – concern for my dad's well-being, frustration at the physical distance that separated us, and the unsettling realization that life, with all its uncertainties, continued even as I grappled with worry.

My hands trembled slightly as I typed a response to my mom, expressing my concern and seeking more details. But she said nothing more, this only sent me over the edge.

I knocked lightly on Maria's office door, a sense of urgency and concern etched on my face. As she looked up from her desk, I could sense the gravity of the situation mirrored in her expression.

"Maria, do you have a moment?" I asked, my voice carrying a weight that mirrored the turbulent emotions within me.

"Of course, Avery. Come in. What's going on?" Maria gestured for me to take a seat, her eyes narrowing slightly with curiosity.

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