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Avery Callum
Long Way to Go


In the quiet confines of the hospital room, the doctor approached us with a reassuring smile. "I understand there may be some confusion regarding the blood donation process," she began, her voice calm and measured.

I nodded. "Yes, that's correct. I thought my dad would need multiple donors, considering how much blood he lost."

The doctor nodded understandingly. "I can see why you might think that, but fortunately, in your father's case, we only need one donor. Allow me to explain."

She proceeded to outline the reasons behind the need for only one donor, citing various medical factors and the specific circumstances of my father's condition. As she spoke, I listened intently, absorbing the information with a sense of relief and clarity.

"So you see, while your father did lose a significant amount of blood, we're confident that one donor will be sufficient to replenish his supply and support his recovery," the doctor concluded, her tone reassuring.

I let out a sigh of relief, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. "Thank you for explaining that to us, doctor," I said gratefully. "I feel much better knowing that we only need one donor."

The doctor smiled warmly. "Of course, I'm here to answer any questions you may have. And please rest assured that we'll do everything we can to ensure your father receives the care he needs."

Feeling the weight of urgency pressing down on me, I politely excused myself from the room, my mind racing with thoughts of what to do next. Stepping into the hallway, my fingers trembled slightly as I dialed Jude's number.

But to my surprise, there was no answer. This was unusual; Jude was always available when I needed him, no matter the time or circumstance. A pang of worry shot through my chest as I tried again, but still, there was no response.

Frustration and concern gnawed at me as I paced the hallway, my mind churning with the need to share the urgent news with him. I needed to tell him about running into Hackeem and about his unexpected offer to donate blood for my father.

I couldn't shake the feeling that Jude needed to know, that he deserved to be informed about the situation. If Hackeem was my only option, would that be safe? But as I continued to call and wait for a response, doubts crept in. What if he didn't approve? What if he saw it as a betrayal, a breach of our trust?

Despite my worries, I knew I had to be honest with Jude. I couldn't keep such a significant development from him, especially when it concerned my father's health and well-being. Taking a deep breath, I resolved to keep trying to reach him until I could share the news and seek his guidance on the matter.

I decided to leave a text:

Babe. I've been trying to call you, I hope you're doing okay. I need to talk to you about something urgent. I ran into someone I used to date in the past, Hackeem. He overheard our conversation about dad needing blood and offered to donate. I know it's a lot to process, but I wanted to be upfront with you. The doctor explained we only need one donor and the only relative that's a match would not make it in time. I think we may have to settle for Hackeem. Please call me back when you can. I love you and I miss you, so so much.

As I returned to the hospital room, the conversation between my mom and me shifted to the urgency of finding a suitable blood donor for my dad. My mom's voice was filled with worry as she mentioned that the only relative who was a match wasn't in the country and it could take a day or more for them to arrive. Time was a luxury we didn't have, and the situation felt increasingly dire.

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