"Oh, that's weird. She actually left a while ago. Go look out the window and see if she's parking or something. You know she takes ages doing that!" I took her advice and walked over to the window and opened the latch. I picked up the thin netted curtain and poked my head out the window, I breathed in the Aussi air and looked left to right on the deserted road. Nobody. I heard a car coming from the distance and waited for a bit for it to come closer. It weren't them. I came over and sat onto the bed.

"They're not there." My heart trembled with fear and my mind, filled with possibilities which could've happened. Okay, Deep breaths Holly. Think positive! They might be just stuck in traffic? Or stopped at Mac Donald's... They better not have done without me.

"Hal, I wouldn't worry! They are probably just on their way." She reassured me. The doorbell rang, I knew it wasn't them though; they would've used a key.

"Liz, there's someone here..."

"Look out the window! It might be your brothers?" I went over to the window again and peeked through the curtains, it were two police officers. I held my breath for a moment.

"Liz, it's the police!" I whispered, sternly into the microphone of the phone.

"I'm coming over! Stay on the phone with Andrew." Andrew was Liz's husband.

"Okay." I whispered. I picked up the curtain and put my head outside the window. "Hi"

"Are you Holly Ann Williams?" The policeman on the right asked. He held his pale neck high to see me, whereas his eyes didn't look at me as if they were hiding.

"Who's asking?"

"My name's Dan, This is my colleague, she's Bella. We're the police." They took out their badges and showed them to me. "Can you open the door?"

"Shall I open the door?" I asked Andrew.

"Ask them to wait until Liz gets there."

"My mum's friend is coming over; can you wait until she comes?"

"Yes, of course. We will just be here." I nodded my head and came back inside but still looked at them in case they were fakers and they actually wanted to rob me and my family. Tears fell down my face and I had the phone on speaker and it lay on the floor, despite that I'm pretty sure Andrew could hear me cry.

"Hal, I'm sure it's nothing but even though you have to know we will always be here for you! Liz is on her way and I'm pretty sure she's got a gazillion speeding tickets and Ben is curled in a ball hiding in the front seat."

"I know, but I'm scared."

"I've known you since you were a little girl. You are so brave for looking after your mum and your family after your dad left. You are the girl who held your family closer than ever and your mum were even talking about it today; don't tell anyone I was eve dropping!"

I laughed a little, "I won't."

I was still looking through the window and the Policeman, Dan; Sat on the bench in the front porch, his head fell to the ground with Bella assuring him about something. My heart trembling more, I scratched the nail polish off my nails, the more nervous I got.

Liz was finally here with Ben. "Andrew, Liz is here! I'll talk to you later!"

"Okay, bye!"

I ran downstairs and put my vans on, I grabbed my keys and I flung the door open, letting it crash behind me. I ran towards Ben and he put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around, facing the house.

"Let's go inside kiddo." He escorted me back.

"What's happened?"

"I'm not sure, we'll find out inside."

We all came through into the Living room, Ben sat next to me on our bright red couch and Dan and Bella had grabbed the chairs from the dining table and sat in front of me whilst Liz stood.

"Can you quit the suspense?" Dan lifted his head up and looked me in the eyes but words didn't come out, his mouth didn't move, I sensed the worst.

"I'm sorry... You're Mum and two Brothers have been caught up in a car accident."

"Sophia Lewis and James Williams have sadly passed on. Liam is still unconscious at the Sylon hospital." Bella spoke. I felt paralysed, I couldn't move. I couldn't talk. Tears just fell. Ben held me tight, I could see him hold me but I felt numb.

Liz spoke to the police officer, again, I saw her mouth move but I felt like I had been deafened. I couldn't accept it, not them... they are the only family I have. My eyes hit the back of head, seeing the room as a black hole. I tried to reach out, but...


Hi again :))) My name's Saba

I posted this story before on a different account but took it down because of personal reasons. now ive put it up again and hope you like it :D

please comment on your thoughts of the story so i know if i should continue or not?

you can follow me on twitter at @ashxxtnn to stay updated with the story nd talk if you have any questions or just in general. I'd love to get to know my readers :)

if you liked it give it a vote and follow my wattpad account and if you want, please share!!

Thank you for reading xx

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