Fourty One

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•••happily ever after•••

"Are you nervous?" I ask Jackie, feeling the tension fall off of her.

"A little." She answers as we glide down the front porch steps. She is in a florally blue dress with a little wrap around her shoulders to keep her warm. Her hair is pinned up on the side with a beautiful clip. But for even being nervous, she puts on her beautiful smile. Any one can tell this whole process has made her happy by just looking at her.

I am wearing a long, purple dress with a low back. It accentuates my curves perfectly. My hair is up in a bun with different curled pieces falling out, kind of like at Katherines vet dinner. "Its going to be amazing." I whisper, wrapping my arm around and into hers.
The two of us strut across the gravel, soaking in this beautiful day with two smiles that only get bigger as we near the beautiful seating section. It barely feels real that we did all of this.

Danny and Cole stand outside of the fence, greeting people, which Jackie and I assigned them to do. They are both wearing the same blue button up, with different accent pieces. Danny has got a vest, and Cole has suspenders that I already know he is going to get irritated by. He has also taken off the bow tie, and has unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, showing off his tan muscles underneath.

"You guys look great!" Danny says to us as we walk past.

I turn, looking at the two boys. Cole stands there with his hands in his pockets, watching me as our interaction continues.

"Thanks you too!" Jackie responds before I am even able to think of an answer.

"Guess New York and Jr. dont scrub up too badly." Cole jokes, his eyes only leaving mine for a split second to look at Jackie.

"Oh yeah? Tell us about it Cowboy." I tease, both Danny and Jackie laughing at my immense attitude. As we go to turn back to the crowd, I wink at the two of them. Coles eyes go dark, and I am quick to tell he is frustrated from just my small action. Good to know I have that effect over him.

Right as we are about to reach our seats, Jackie tugs at my arm and lets go. "Ive got to go help Hayley." She remembers, running to the back where she will be waiting for the bride.

I let out a breath from her erratic behavior, and move towards my assigned seat. Alex looks up with me as I stop, all of my limbs feeling like they arg in concrete. I forgout we put Alex and I next to each other. It hasnt even been on my mind at all today.

"Hey Elle!" He smiles. His head moves around awkwardly with different timings that normal. It makes me instantly wonder if hes been drinking since I informed him about my feelings.

"Hi Alex." I greet back, trying to be as normal as possible.

It is hard to keep being normal with Alex when, as everyone gets seated, Coles eyes are starring into the side of my head from the row across from me. The feeling of Alex's pain exudes off of him, even though he is trying his hardest to cover it up. The guilt tripping on his end is working. I feel absolutely terrible for breaking all of this news to him on his brothers wedding day. If he ends up having a hard time, I know it will be my fault.

I sit down in the seat next to Alex, trying to create some form of space between us. As soon as I am seated, his arm flies up and around my shoulder. I look over to him, confused, and notice a huge grin. This is going to be such an odd day if he is acting like this the whole time.

My eyes fly away from his, awkwardly scanning the great turn out of people we have had. Even though it was supposed to be small, a lot of people showed up, just because of the genuine care they have for the couple.

Escape || Cole WalterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat