Twenty Six

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Finally it's the day of the bonfire. I've been waiting for this for so long because of all the hype from my friends. It has just been too cold to have one until now.

Half of the older Walter boys, Jackie, and I hop into the car shortly after Cole did, scamming him to drive us to the bonfire. Even though he complains, we all know he wouldn't have it any other way.

I am stuck between Alex and Jackie. Alex slyly wraps his arm around the back of the seat, around me. I watch him discreetly as his eyes meet Coles in the rearview mirror. If this is how the rest of the night is going to go, I no longer want to do this shit.

I look over at Jackie, and roll my eyes when I notice she saw the same thing happening. She shrugs with a quiet laugh. I dont think she, or anyone else for that matter, quite understands that it's really not amusing to be in this situation.

Jackie and I are completely opposites right now. She is wearing a pink long business coat, and I am wearing a blue puffer jacket. She has a white hat on, and I have black ear muffs on. Jackies hair is down, and I put mine in two little braids on the back of my head. I think I actually look cute today, which is a rare occurance.

"Hey! Can Elle have aux please?" Issac calls up from the back seat as we pull out of the driveway. I laugh and look up to Cole in the mirror. His green orbs meet mine and he gives me a small grin, his face still upset from last night.

"Hell no!" He calls back.

My face falls and I instantly start to pout. This is almost a daily task with this family. "Please Cowboy?" I ask, grabbing the back of him and Dannys seat and pulling myself forward.

"Yeah please Cole? This music is shit." Danny agrees referring to some super weird rap music. I am a huge fan of rap, but when it is good. Cole is a little cowboy from the country side of Colorado, he hadn't quite got the grip on good rap music yet.

"Cole please!" Jackie also calls with a laugh.

I hit his arm and he turns back to look at me for a second. "Oh my fucking god!" He groans, unplugging his phone and handing me the cord.

We all have a small celebration before I ask, "Whats the vibe?"

The first person I look at is Nathan because he is normally the aux person, aside from me. I feel bad for how much they want me to do it because I know before me it was his job, and he had to adjust to it. Nathan only shrugs at me with a small smile.

I know he is down because Skylar and this whole confusing situation with him. Being friends with Skylar has actually taught me some of his issues, and I think right now, he needs to just work on himself a little before getting in a relationship.

"We have no idea, youre the dj." Alex laughs.

"Dad jams?" Danny asks, turning to the rest of us in the back.

"Oh my god, yes, dad jams." I agree, scrolling to one of my many playlists on Spotify


At the bonfire, there are about fifty other kids. More will probably show up as the night goes on. But it is just a huge fire. Like a fireplace, but huge.

I'm not as impressed because anyone could do it. I was hoping it would make me soul-search or something stupid, but the closer I got to it the more I regret coming.

Surrounding us there is beer pong, which I do plan on doing, and just different groups talking. It is like any other party, just outside, with a fire.

Escape || Cole WalterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang