Chapter Thirty-One

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Maddison's POV

I walked inside my house and I kicked off my shoes after Eva dropped me off. I went to the kitchen. Luckily, my Dad was already there. He was typing away on his computer. He didn't bother to look up once I sat down. I cleared my throat, I might as well lay it all out. Henry already told me he knew. So, there was no need to beat around the bush.

"Do you wanna talk about something? You keep tapping your nails on the table. Must I remind you, I got the cherry wood polished this morning?" My Dad mumbled as he picked up his coffee.

"Were you ever gonna tell me about Henry?" I said tilting my head to the side.

"No." He replied.

"So, it never crossed your mind to? I mean, Dad you sold me off like some object." I stressed.

"No, I did not. Maddy, paying someone to tutor you isn't a bad thing. If anything you needed it. It paid off." Dad stated finally closing his laptop. Looking up at me after taking his glasses off.

"I get that but I didn't get the chance to turn it down. I didn't need help. Henry made it seem like he was doing it for school or out of the kindness of his heart. He used-"

"No, I gave him the offer to be paid for it because I knew of his struggles. He helped us and I helped him in return. There was no manipulation or malicious behavior. That boy doesn't have the same cards we have." Dad said with a frown on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"He could've gotten a job. He could've gotten multiple. Yet, he came to you because he knew we have money." I argued back. This wasn't making sense. Everyone has a dozen options when it comes to getting money. Henry just chose a dirty way to do it. Henry did it behind my back.

"Listen, like I've told you multiple times before. One, I don't do drama, teenage drama no less. Two, it broke my heart when I heard about Henry's situation. So, forgive me for wanting to help the boy. He wants a future just like you." Dad said as he got up, grabbing his things. "Just because you've never experienced struggling or any lows doesn't mean everyone else hasn't either."

With that, my Father walked off and I was left to my thoughts. It didn't matter what everyone else went through. What matters is that I was lied to and not trusted with the truth. I needed to think of something to do.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I checked my phone for a moment. It was only 6:30, it was getting late and time was moving fast. I assumed Dad was expecting so I waited. The knock came again faster and harder.

"Okay!" I yelled annoyed as I got up quickly. I walked to the front door while running a hand through my hair. I opened the door and quickly dropped my smile.

Henry's POV

Flashback Starts (9 years ago)

It was a cold morning, School had been canceled due to too much snow. Dad had convinced Mom to call out of work. I was able to stay up late tonight. Dad has chosen a few movies that we could watch tonight. I was so happy, that I followed my Dad around the house.

"Daddy, tomorrow we have to make snow angels and snowmen. Phoebe says Frosty the snowman is real. Do you think I'd be able to meet him one day?" I rambled watching Dad pop the third bag of popcorn.

"We can do whatever you like. Just bundle up and dress warm. I don't want my kiddo getting sick." Dad said turning to me with his signature smile and roughing up my hair.

"Daddy, can I ask you something?" I asked quietly as we headed to the living room. Momma was already there babysitting a cup filled with liquid.

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