Chapter Two

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Hello Readers...Hope y'all enjoy this chapter. 💙🎁

Henry's POV

Anger bubbled inside me as I walked into my bedroom holding a sleeping Sabrina in my arms. I gently placed her on the bed closing and locking my room door. No one understood how I feel at this moment.

This had happened the third time this week and I'm pissed off. The woman that is meant to be my mother is fucking out and about while my 4-year-old sister was home alone. I had just gotten home from work and she was alone locked in her room. I had to kick the door down.

The time is currently 10 pm and my work was a good 20 minutes from my home by bus. I hated this. I hated the situation we were in but at this moment, there was not much I can do other than be there for my little sister. She was the reason I come back to this beat-down house every day.

I keep asking myself why people have kids if they are not gonna be a parent to them. Sitting on the street corner begging strangers for change to buy alcohol is not very much motherly at all.  I didn't expect much of her anymore after Dad left. When he found out mom was pregnant with Sabrina, he up and left.

Mom wasn't coming home anytime soon, so I decided to go to bed. I made sure Sabrina was comfortable before I laid down.

The Next Morning

When I woke up, the bed was empty. Sabrina must've woken up and wandered off. I needed to get ready for school, I would find her after.

When mom had Sabrina, she was more focused on filling the void our dad left. I was the one feeding her, changing her, and making sure she was bathed. My mother wasn't fit to be a parent but I couldn't risk Child Protection Services splitting us up.

Anyway, after I got finished getting ready I went downstairs. I walked to the kitchen first, and what I saw made my blood boil. A random man holding Sabrina and talking to her. My mom just cooks, she never cooks.

"Henry! This is Henry, Chad." Mom said moving the pan off the hot stove. I looked at Chad, tall and muscular and covered in tattoos. My mom sat a plate down. Chad let Sabrina go, walking to sit down.

"You must be the man of the house." He said holding his hand out. I ignored him, I walked to the fridge getting a pudding cup.

"Sabrina." I gave her the pudding cup and led her to the living room.

I dreaded leaving her alone but I needed the grades if wanted my job. I went to grab my bag and get my keys, I had saved enough money to buy a used car that ran perfectly. It had just gotten out of the shop a week ago after my mom had slashed the tires. She never told me why she did it which pissed me off more.

Later At School

I reached my locker, grabbing the things I needed for the first period. My mind kept wandering back to earlier, that man holding Sabrina and mom just acting like everything is normal.

I walked inside my history class and saw Phoebe. She was my best friend since freshmen year.

Yet, I couldn't open up about what was going on. It wasn't her business. I loved her but I didn't have to share everything with her.

"Henry, this is the longest you've been quiet," Phoebe whispered once class started.

I could feel her looking at me. Phoebe was a talker, she talked every minute she could. Sometimes it was helpful other times, not so much.

"You're talkative, that's never new," I said loud enough for her to hear.

"Ouch." Phoebe winced giving her attention to the sketchbook in her lap.

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