Chapter twenty-nine

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This is a long one. So, I hope y'all enjoy it! <3 TW - mentions of drugs

Maddison's POV

I clenched and unclenched my fist. It was chilly out but I felt hot and clammy. I drove to Alex's house after being ignored for a few days. I didn't see him at school and if I did, refused to acknowledge me. I was back to square one...being alone. I mean, Kalian and Eva talked to me sometimes. They were so involved with each other that I felt like a third wheel. It wasn't their fault they were a couple. Anyway, I sucked in a breath and knocked on the polished wooden door.

I had no idea of what I was gonna say to Alex. The party was such an embarrassing moment for me. I felt Olivia went out of her to hurt me by hurting Alex in the process. The door opened and I heard a faint sound of music. Unfortunately, the person who opened the door was Alex's sister, Chloe.

"Hey, Maddison!" Chloe said happily. A smile on her face with her hair pulled into a ponytail. A white shirt with a rose design along with jeans. She was so pretty.

"Hey, Chloe. Is Alex here?" I asked nervously. I really should've rehearsed a speech or something. I was coming into this blind, maybe I was desperate and wanted to fix things or feeling guilty. It didn't matter, I was here now. I couldn't back out now.

"Uh, no. He left an hour ago. Do you wanna wait for him inside?" Chloe asked moving to the side as an invitation to come in. I bit my lip, Alex must've not said anything to them. I didn't expect him to, he didn't even tell me the status of our relationship after that night.

"Sure." I said with a nod. Chloe smiled brightly and led me to the living room. The same living room where Alex and I had hung out together on multiple occasions. My face heated up at the memories at many shared kisses.

"Mom, Maddison is here!" Chloe announced as she sat down on the floor, picking up the laptop in front of her. Setting it in her lap. I adjusted the sleeves on my hoodie and sat on the couch.

"So, it's just you and your mom here?" I asked simply. Attempting to spark conversation between us. I hated silence in an environment.

"Yeah, Miles took Lexi and Paris to the mall. I didn't want to go. I prefer only shopping." Chloe mumbled with a shrug. Her fingers moved fast across her keyboard. I let out a quiet laugh.

"Alex has been so moody lately, maybe you can cheer him up," Chloe said looking up at me with a small smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly. What if he was hurting because of me?

"Always stays in his room, or will lounge in the pool until his fingers get wrinkled. It's like a never-ending loop. So I was surprised when he left." Chloe explained.

"Oh." I said looking down at my hands.

"... I know I shouldn't tell you this but...Alex has issues. I don't think the whole divorce and change worked well with him. I mean, he isn't an absolute asshole to Paris and I. It's just...I think sometimes he misses his mom." Chloe said with a frown. "I mean, wouldn't you? The woman disappeared after getting caught in the act. Maybe she was embarrassed or-"

"Chloe Huynh."

Chloe and I both jumped. I looked up to see Lou and Alex. Even in her own home, she was still dressed with a sort of elegance. A purple silk strapless grown that touched the floor.

"It is highly inappropriate to talk about a situation that is not your business. Be respectful." Lou chastised with squinted eyes.

"Sorry, I was just saying." Chloe shrugged before going back to her device. Lou looked at me once before walking off. I quickly stood to my feet.

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