Chapter Twenty-five

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Henry's POV

It's been a few weeks since I seen Maddison. Not that it was important that I did. I had left the Carters two weeks ago. I thanked Derek for letting me stay for so long. I didn't want to overstay my welcome. Especially with everything going on between Maddison and I. I don't know what I even thinking. I didn't need to run away from home, I could protect Sabrina no matter where we were.

Homecoming was tonight, I didn't plan on going. All those posters and badges were giving me a headache. Maddison had sent a few messages asking my opinions on her options. I ignored them. I poked at my dinner, home was quieter than usual. Sabrina had tired herself out from running around the house all day and whining.

I felt so weird, the kind of weird where you wonder how a certain person is doing. The kind of weird that makes you feel bad for treating someone badly. Which wasn't right, I didn't have a reason to think about Maddison. My phone began to buzz...speak of the devil. Maddison was calling. I picked up the phone and placed my fork down.

"Hello?" I said hoping she couldn't hear my agitation.

"Henry, you didn't come to homecoming?" Maddison asked, I could hear Katy Perry in the background. I wouldn't admit it out loud but fireworks is my favorite song.

"I can't." I said simply. I did not want to be in an environment where kids spike the punch and hook up in bathrooms, classrooms, or janitor closets.

"Please? It'll be really fun." Maddison pleaded, it began to get quieter on her side.

"Maddison, you know I don't like stuff like that. It's-"

"Yeah, I know. Henry, it's just...I wanna talk to you in person. Apologize properly. In person." Maddison said. Her voice sounded lower and different. It made my chest feel weird and tight. I squeezed my eyes closed.

"I can't leave Sabrina-"

"My Dad, I think you know he loves her." Maddison pointed out, which she was right. I wasn't stupid. I could see that Derek treated Sabrina like she was his own. Like...maybe, he loved her. I couldn't say or think of what made him do what he had been doing for us.

Anyway, I inhaled deeply. I looked around the empty house. I looked towards the living room. Sabrina was asleep on the couch. Chad nor was my mother in sight. I knew this would be good for us both. Especially because I knew she missed that house and Derek. I let out my breath, who was I doing this for? Maddison, myself, or Sabrina? I didn't know and to be honest. I don't think it matters.

Anyway, I told Maddison that I would come. I hung up before I could hear her do something that would change my mind. I couldn't necessarily leave in my pjs. So, with a fast pace I headed down the hall to my room. I stripped myself and got into the shower. It was a quick one, I didn't want Sabrina to wake up and not see me close by. I also wanted to hurry in case, Mom did come back. Avoiding her has worked for weeks. I didn't have to look at her thinning body or the burns on her arms. I didn't have to worry about that. She was fine on her own, she could continue to be fine without me.

I put on black jeans and a zip up jacket. I ruffled my hair as I grabbed my keys. I walked over to the couch and woke up Sabrina. She was a heavy sleeper, so it would take a while.


I gripped the steering wheel, I didn't need to go in. I didn't need to see anyone, yet, Maddison wanted me here. She wanted to apologize. Simple, I would take the apology and leave. Derek had been understanding as he took a sleeping Sabrina from my arms. So, I knew my sister would be safe if this took longer than I wanted it to.

I rolled my eyes and got out the car. The faster I went in and located the brunette I could stop overthinking this situation. It was easier said than done. The closer I got to the school, I could see the yellow and red decorations. Christmas lights hung around the door. It was bright is all I'll say about it. The hallway towards the gym was empty besides a few kids that were obviously drunk.

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