Chapter Seven

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AN - Hey y'all it's been a while...sorry I was distracted. Anyway, here is chapter 7. I hope you enjoy it! Remember to leave comments, votes, and whatever else! 💙

Henry's POV

I looked at the missed calls and messages from Maddison. I didn't want to hear from her. I was still mad at her. I thought that was obvious when I ignored all the calls.

Sabrina was playing with some rocks she grabbed from outside. Sabrina was a quiet girl, you had to watch her. I decided to do something for her.

I grabbed some hair products I had and decided to do her hair. Maybe get her to open up, I'm her brother after all.

"You never do my hair." Sabrina said softly.

"Yeah, I know. I thought I'd give you something simple." I said parting her brown hair.

"Are you excited about your school opening back up?" I asked

I was relieved, I wouldn't have to worry as much. I could focus on my schoolwork more. I still needed to graduate, my grades were slipping slowly.

"Yeah." Sabrina said quietly.

I finished the two braids in silence. I grabbed the portable mirror and showed Sabrina the results. It didn't look as bad as I thought.

Sabrina looked up at me and smiled. Her hazel eyes twinkled with excitement.

"I love it!" she said getting up and hugging me. Her short arms curled halfway around my waist. I told her to get ready for our playdate.

I haven't spent any time with Sabrina, and I wanted to make up for it. Even if she couldn't remember it 27 years later.

Anyway, after struggling to get Sabrina in the bath and into some clothes. We made it to the car, playing Disney music.

Once we were at the park, I let Sabrina run off. I kept my eye on her as I found a bench. As soon as I got back up, I heard a voice that surprised me.

"Henry?...Henry Jordan?" Maddison's dad asked me.

I looked over at him, quickly looking back at Sabrina.

"Hello, Mr. Carter." I said deciding to sit back down.

The older man sat down beside me. Mr. Carter checked his watch.  He was sweaty and looked like he was on a run

"I was doing my daily jog, and I noticed you." he said with a smile.

I nodded and just kept quiet. I watched as Sabrina climbed inside a sandbox.

"You and Maddison must've finished that math project?" he asked turning towards me.

"Yes sir, I've signed our names and plan to turn it in." I explained

"Henry!" Sabrina's shrill voice filled our ears as she ran up to the bench. I handed her a water bottle I packed in my bag.

"Henry did my hair!" Sabrina exclaimed showing Derek her hair. Her twin braids moved with her.

"It's very gorgeous for a cherub-like yourself." Mr. Carter tapped her nose once she settled on her feet.

"Henry, I wanted to ask you something." Mr. Carter turned his attention back to me.

I gulped, was it about the argument last night? He was gonna go nuts on me. I was gonna be more than dirt poor. He was gonna use his riches to make me disappear.

"I want you to tutor Maddison." he said.

I let a chuckle slip through my lips. I stopped once I saw his straight face. I was shocked, in disbelief. Why would he ask me that?

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