Chapter Seventeen

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⚠️Mentions of self harm

Henry's POV

I looked at the little girl in front of me. Sabrina was stuffing her face with round sausages. I smiled to myself. With everything going on, I felt I needed a fun day. Earlier, I had gotten Sabrina up and ready. I had planned to take her to the park and the mall. It was a struggle to rip the iPad away from her. Unfortunately, it had to be done. I was limiting her screen time, I didn't want her to get addicted at such a young age.

"All done." Sabrina said, mouth full with a pancake. I watched as she hopped down from the chair. Running off to grab her shoes.

I got up, following after her. She was strapping her velcro straps down tightly. Sabrina turned to me, a huge smile on her face.

"We can swing so high!" she exclaimed. Her hands were high in the air, demonstrating how high. I laughed, ruffling her hair and walking towards the door.

I opened the door for her, letting her run to the car. I followed after her, I smiled to myself. Sabrina was my ray of sunshine. She was all I ever knew, I held her close. I was with her every moment of my life. She was a bubble of happiness that I needed.

Once I made sure Sabrina was safely in her seat. I started the car. The park was only 37 minutes away. It had swings, slides, and a nicely sized sandbox. Due to the weather, I made sure I brought a jacket for Sabrina in case it got too cold for her. Snow was falling since yesterday, coating the ground with a few inches of snow.

Once we reach the park, I let Sabrina take control of the day. I let her out of the car seat, watching as her little legs bounced up and down in anticipation. Once Sabrina was free from her seat, she wiggled out of the car. Running past me, towards the spacious park. I kept my eyes on her as I shut the doors and lock them.

I sat down on the closet bench where I had a good view of my little sister. The park was empty besides a few lingering middle schoolers. I relaxed a bit, a felt a nagging sense of anger bubble in my stomach. Sabrina was experiencing all these fun moments without our parents. She will never have the chance to experience her mother's warm embrace. She won't get fun movie nights, or games nights, she will never get that lifestyle.

Part of me felt guilty for having memories of both of my parents while Sabrina had none. She doesn't know what our Dad looks like. She'll never have a proper family. I have every intention to fix that. She has me, I can take care of her. She doesn't need anyone else, she won't have to need anyone else.

The dim sky and my view of Sabrina were blocked by sudden darkness. Pitch black. I smelled strawberries and pound cake.

"Guess who!"

I ripped the hands off my eyes, rubbing them.

"It's Maddison." Maddison said leaning over the bench.

"I know, you can't just cover my eyes like that. I need to be able to see Sabrina at all times." I said sternly, holding back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here with someone." Maddison said, now coming around the bench to sit down.

"Also, sorry." she added quickly. I shrugged my shoulders brushing it off.

It was silent between us, I watched as Sabrina began to build another sand castle in the sandbox.

"So, how's Phoebe?" Maddison asked. I looked over at her. Her eyes were already on me, a small smile on her face.

"I don't know." I said, I looked back at Sabrina. She was running towards us, I leaned up getting nervous. Was she hurt? Had one of those middle schoolers bothered her?

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