Chapter Sixteen

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Light mention of Rape! ⚠️

Maddison's POV

"You want me to have a sit down with her?" Eva asked, looking at me like I had grown three heads.

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm asking." I told Eva, hoping she would agree. They would talk and come to a mutual agreement on what Kal had done was wrong.

"No, I don't want to." she said putting her focus back on her chem homework. It was a free period, a whole hour before school would be over. A whole hour before we went to Phoebe's house.

"Come on, you'll have closure. The proper way." I said poking at her side.

"No, having closure is talking to Kalian. Not some slut." Eva muttered slapping my hand.

"Just give her a chance, hear her out-"

"Why are you going so hard for her?" she snapped

"Because- because it's unfair to believe Kalian just because he's your boyfriend." I said quickly.

Eva dropped her pencil, turning to glare at me.

"You know what, I'll go but afterward I'm going to see Kalian." Eva stood up, grabbing her things fast.

"What's wrong?" I asked watching her stuff her bag.

"You are giving me a headache right now. You were the first one saying I should just take time for myself, and now you are urging me to meet with some chick. So, nothing is wrong obviously." Eva said turning and leaving. I could sense something was wrong though.

I watched her walk away, feeling like I was only making things worse. This is why I didn't need to be involved, Henry seemed so certain to be right about Phoebe that I couldn't just let it go now. Especially when it was way more than cheating.

I went back to doing homework, feeling like I pissed Eva off unintentionally.


I knew this was a bad idea, Eva hadn't said anything since we got here. Henry was whispering and talking to, who I assumed was Phoebe's Dad. Leaving Eva and me alone with Phoebe at the kitchen table.

Phoebe looked different, less radiant. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail. She looked between us, nervous and scared for some reason.

"Hey Maddison, I haven't seen you since your huge tournament." Phoebe said smiling at us.

I smiled back, ignoring the burning gaze at the side of my head.

"Hey, Henry told me about the recent news. I hope that's alright." I said, giving a soft smile.

Eva cleared her throat, making Phoebe look at her. Luckily before Eva could speak, the kitchen door swung open. I saw Henry walk up to the empty seat beside his best friend.

"Her Dad said we have 40 minutes," Henry said.

Henry looked Eva up and down before looking back at Phoebe. He whispered something to her, before looking at Eva. What he said next, made me want to melt into my chair.

"You are aware, that Phoebe is the victim, right? Thanks to your boyfriend." he rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me? Last time I checked cheating works both ways." Eva laughed

"It wasn't cheating though-"

"Henry-" I tried to intervene but Eva suddenly took out her phone. Having the video ready to play.

"This video is clear proof, don't victimize yourself bitch." Eva said pressing play, turning the camera to give Henry and Phoebe a clear view.

I kept quiet not knowing what to say, Henry's face turned red and he looked away.

"Your point is?" Eva said once the video was over.

Henry looked at us again, the tension was thick. I wanted to disappear, I shouldn't have brought this up or even suggested the meeting.

"I'm saying, your boyfriend could've drugged her." Henry implied.

Eva's eyes widen a bit before she shook her head.

"Kalian isn't like that."

"How can you be so sure? Because y'all are together?" Henry questions glaring at her.

"I see why you were so fast to try to take up for Kalian, Maddison." Henry added, rolling his eyes.  I ignored the stab, listening to Eva.

"No, because I know him, more than her or you. I know Kalian inside out. He's faithful and committed. He's not this fucked up person, she's painting him to be." Eva said, blinking rapidly, holding back tears.

"Knowing someone means nothing." Henry mumbled, rolling his eyes. Eva growled in frustration, standing up.

"Are you saying my boyfriend raped you?" Eva asked Phoebe leaning down, face to face.

Phoebe remained quiet, tears falling out of her eyes.

"Eva, stop." I grabbed her arm, attempting to yank her back. She shrugged me off.

"No, this is absolute bullshit. Answer me!" Eva smacked the table, making Phobe wince.

"I think you both should go." Henry started, getting up. Eva ignored him, if looks could kill, Phoebe would be under the dirt. Eva backed up, laughing.

"I'm gonna walk home." Eva said pushing around me, her eyes glossed over.

"Why?" I asked following after her.

"Leave me alone." she snarled, walking faster.

"Eva, what did I do?" I asked, trying to keep her pace. Eva stopped and turned back to me, her sharp nail poking my chest.

"You didn't even try to take up for Kalian, he's your fucking friend and you believe people you met weeks ago?" Eva asked, looking at me. She seemed pissed.

"It made sense, especially when Phoebe could be the victim." I argued

"You don't even wanna fucking consider Kal. I can't believe you right now. Are you fucking her?" she asked suddenly

"Why would you ask that?" I looked around, the sun was still out. Neighbors were probably getting a show right now.

"Look at how you are acting, you ain't bother to take up for Kalian."

"Because Henry is so sure of this," I admit.

"Henry isn't your fucking friend, you have no real connections to him. You have no real ties to Phoebe, whoever the fuck she is, why the fuck are you taking their sides over somebody who has held you down since middle school and probably longer!" Eva yelled, stepping back

"You heard what Henry said, knowing someone means nothing." I stressed, hoping she understood.

"I- you know what. Fuck you." Eva said finally and stormed off. Leaving me by myself, feeling worse than ever.


Eva's POV

I knocked on the door hard as hell. I ignored the throbbing in my knuckles. I saw the cars parked in the driveway, everyone was home. Maddison pissed me off, the whole meeting pissed me off. How dare they? Not consider how Kal could be hurting, in pain.

The door opened, revealing Jacob Addams. It was Kalian's dad.

"I have to talk to Kalian." I said politely, putting on a smile.

"He's in the back, swimming." His Dad opened the door wider. His face pulled into a grimace. I slid in, the smell of pumpkin pie overloading my sense of smell. How I wanted a piece, I shook my head. Now wasn't the time.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my green skirt. I had been debating talking to him on the way over here. If it was true, then I would be embarrassed. Especially after I had fought for him so hard, including cursing out Maddison. The blaring sounds of rap music became louder. The splashes of water dulled due to the music. 

I watched as Kalian broke through the water, his back muscles shining from his sweat and the sun beating down on him. I walked over to the speaker that held his phone, pausing the music momentarily. It caught his attention, making him look over at me.

"We need to talk."

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