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"P'Ann, Good Morning. Are you still sleeping?" A call from a distance pulled me out of my blissful slumber, followed by a loud footsteps approaching towards my bedroom.

My eyelids seems to still glued together and in addition to that, i was nestled to a strong warm body which only made it hard to pull it open together.

The lovely warmth coiled around my body making me realized i'm sleeping with someone and that's no other than the most gorgeous tomboy on earth, Hans Koch.

She was sleeping peacefully as her breathing was fanning on my face.

She snores sofly and her mouth was slightly opened while her arms snaking my waist protectively.

I smiled and sofly kissed her forehead but jolted immediately as the loud knocked persistently banging on my bedroom door.

I forcefully flicked my eyes opened and craned my head towards the bedside table where the small digital clock was sitting and my eyes widened when i realized, it's almost 11:00 in the morning already.

"Damn it!" I cursed and leisurely relishing the smell of the drop dead gorgeous beast beside me.

"ANNTONIA!" The loud voice of my bestfriend, Chatnalin brought me back to the real world when i realized she's here and waiting behind my bedroom's door.

I frantically scrambled out of my bed, desperately and panically pulling myself out of Hans' hold.

"Coming!" I said out loud and the knock stops.

I compeletely forgotten that she comes with my manager today to go with me back to Phuket.

"Koch, wake up!" I shook her shoulder but she just groaned and sleepily turned to the other side of the bed.

"Why is your door locked?" I whipped my head at the door when i heard Nalin asked.

"I'm naked!" I shouted back and then Hans suddenly rolled to her side, facing me with wide eyes.

"Naked?" She grinned deviously below whisper  and i rolled my eyes.

"Get up and hide!" I whisperingly yelled, tugging her out of the bed.

This dumbass was pretending to be sleeping all the while!

I pushed her to my closet but she detoured to the bathroom.

I stood rooted on the floor gaping on her back when i realized she wasn't wearing anything other than her pokemon boxer shorts and damn, my brain is slowly infecting with viruses.

Her toned and chiseled bare back was in full display and i felt like my throat just went dry and i'm suddenly thristy.

Her perfect asses didn't help my hormones at all!

It made my whole body burned with the sudden assaults of electrifying uproar within my body.

"Staring at me has a fee." She said and grinned as she caught me gawking at her ass.


"Lock the door." I whispered and before she shut the door close, she pulled me and captured my lips causing me to moan loudly.

"She might hear you." She whispered back at me and immediately closed the door in my face before i could even react to her silliness.

My reflexes went to work when a loud knock once gain erupted.

Picking up all her clothes scattered on the floor and shoved them under the bed.

My heart is pounding and almost bursting out of my chest from agitation.

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