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When we arrived at our house, i immediately went out of the car leaving her inside the car but walked back to her when i remember my bag was still in my manager's care and the key was in my bag.

"You missed me already?" She smirkingly asked when she finally parked her car inside the gate.

"Miss my ass! Give me the key." I annoyingly commanded her and extend my hand to get it but she instead entertwined her hand to mine.

"Koch! The key!" I hissingly blurted out but she just pulled me towards the backyard of the house.

Why did we even ended up here? The front door is just right there.

"Where the hell are we going?" I confusedly asked since she was still walking to the backyard heading to the laundry area.

Then she suddenly stopped, roamed her eyes around the area and when she realized she got lost, she then slapped her forehead in exasperation.

I completely forgotten that i was annoyed at her and tried to stifle my laughter but i knew my eyes couldnt hide the amusement while looking at her confused face.

God, she looks so devilishly gorgeous and truly i'm in danger, my heart is in danger and might give in any moment to her.

I stifled the laughter that were threatening to burst out since her priceless face is so damn hilarious.

"You sure, you knew where the front door is? I challenged her though i knew this is her first time going here.

She then shyly scratched her nape which made me smirked at her.

"The key?" I asked which she obligely handed it to me.

I walked back to the front and she followed me suit.

I suddenly snapped my head behind me when i heard the loud thud.

"Fuck!" She cursed and i saw her stood up in haste.

My brows knitted in curiousity and our eyes locked.

"What's the matter?" I asked and my eyes widened when a blood suddenly dripping down her temple to her cheek.

"What happened? Oh my God! You're bleeding!" I immediately approached her and checked her head.

"Jesus! Where did you get this?" I asked frantically and pulled her inside, heading to the living room and let her sat down on the couch.

"Wait here! I'll just go get the medicine box." I immediately ran to the kitchen to get the box.

"It's not that bad." I heard her mumbled as soon as i went back.

"Not bad? You didn't even see the wound." I blurted out and started cleaning the blood that scattered on her left cheek.

"Owww, that hurts." She groaned loudly when i put the cotton on the wound on her forehead.

"Where did you hit your head?" I asked her as i finally put the bandaid on the wound.

"I didn't notice the canopy that had a protruding steel at the end and that's where I bumped into." She said and i'm not surprised why she was hit at the canopy.

Her height is like a giant.

"Be careful next time." I shortly mumbled and walked to my bedroom.

"Where are you going?" I heard her asked.

"I'll just have to take a shower. Just make yourself at home, i'll be back in a minute." I responded not looking back at her.

"I'm going with you!" She shouted and heard her footsteps coming towards me.

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