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When the dinner was concluded after an hour of their festivity, Anntonia on the other hand, was already wasted.

"You know what, i hate you." Anntonia spits out while her fingertip pointed at Hans direction who was smilingly at her cuteness.

"Why do you hate me? I didn't do anything wrong to you Miss Thailand." Hans answered making Anntonia to click her tongue and tapped her palm on the table.

"Can't you see, i don't like being with you and here i am sitting in front you instead of me sleeping on a comfy bed. My country believed in me for the pageant but you keep on pestering me. You kept on distructing me!" As Anntonia blurted that out, Hans on the other felt her ego was being showered with a bucket of ice, her whole body tensed up of the hurtful words Anntonia had threw at her.

And when Hans was about to say something, she was then cut off by Anntonia.

"But damn you for making me feel this way. I hated you down to my core but the more i want  to hate you, my mind and this fucking heart even more want to be with you." Hans eyes widened in surprised at what Anntonia had revealed.

"I think, i should take you back to your suite now Miss Thailand. You are already stewed." But Hans jolted on her seat when Anntonia suddenly bumped her hands on the table harshly.

Hans was thankful enough because they're the only people inside or the waiters who just assisted them earlier might see Anntonia's beast side.

"No! I want to drink more!" Anntonia blurted and commanded Hans to get another bottle of D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme.

Hans never thought that the woman is heavy drinker and low in alcohol tolerance.

She sees Anntonia as a well-reserved woman not until tonight.

"She's a wild beast if she's drunk." Hans whispered as she walked to the mini bar.

Instead of taking what Anntonia requested Hans took the Ampoule from Penfolds and went back to their table.

"I didn't tell you i wanted a wine." Anntonia glared at her making Hans to just tilt her head regretting of inviting Anntonia for a drink.

"You need to calm down Miss Thailand. The drink you have just consumed was way more higher in alcohol. This will do for you to cool down." Hans said as she opened the wine but stopped midway as Anntonia snatched the bottle from her hand.

"Hey! You don't have to do that."  Hans pleaded but Anntonia was giving her a death glare instead.

"I have a-hek-name hekkk. Myyyy name is hekkk Ann -tonia Por hekk sild." Antonnia said barely mentioned her owned name.

Hans stood up helping Anntonia to stand up. She'll take Anntonia to her bedroom for her to cool down before she takes her back to her suite.

Hans stopped for a moment as their eyes locked to each other but averted right away as Anntonia lips pouted as if she was asking for a kiss.

"Fuck!" The only world the comes out from Hans mouth but Anntonia heard it.

"Yes, fuck you big time Koch!" Hans raised one of her eyebrow and smiled when she heard her name in Anntonia's mouth.

Hans was carrying Anntonia like a newly wed couple walking to her bedroom for Anntonia to cool down from intoxication.

"I like you." Anntonia mumbled as she also giggling and poking the top of Hans nose before she collapse on the bed.

"I like you too, Miss Porsild." Hans replied even though Anntonia ha: already drifted into slumber.

After Hans putting Anntonia in a comfortable position, covering a duvet and took off her black stilettos, she stood up and stared at her.

"If you only knew how beautiful you are even when you are sleeping. I wish i had seen you smiling at me." Hans uttered and smiled when Anntonia moaned.

Hans knew, she already fell for Anntonia but had to stop her feelings towards the pride of Thailand not because she has a boyfriend but because it is more complicated for Hans situation.

Anntonia and Irfan Fandi, her singaporean boyfriend have been happily in a relationship for 3 years already and Hans had no right to interfere of Anntonia's life especially her relationship with her boyfriend.

Kate once said to Hans few days ago that she can get whoever she wants but her hearts only wants Anntonia Porsild.

She's madly in love with Anntonia Porsild in just a matter of one week. And that's what Hans scared the most.

She has been single for 5 years and never been in a serious relationship after the breakup of her ex-girlfriend.

She can't deny the fact that after she met Anntonia, everything has changed.

Albeit the fact that she vowed herself not to fall inlove again Hans was still captivated by Anntonia's easthetical beauty when she first saw her in the elevator.

And started that day, Anntonia never leave in Hans mind even if the woman was avoiding her.

Hans took a shower inside the bedroom smiling like an idiot remembering of what Anntonia had just said before she dozed off to sleep.

Despite of the relationship she has with the football player, Hans was still overwhelmed because the woman she adored likes her.

After few minutes later, Hans went out of the shower, went straight to her walked in closet and dressed into a comfortable pj's.

Before she went outside of the bedroom, she first glanced at Anntonia who was comfotably sleeping on the bed.

"Goodnight Anntonia." Hans mumbled before she went outside.

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