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I involuntarily clenched my jaw everytime i think of Anntonia being engaged with that man.

I haven't had any good sleep because it had been haunting me when i think of losing her completely.

God, this is so fucking frustrating. The crease in my forehead increased as i thought of them enjoying and laughing yesterday at the sea.

No! I won't just back down against him! I already oath myself that she's mine! If staying here in Thailand just to get her back, i would!

And i unknowingly smiled as i remember her flustered red cheeks when i kissed her in front of her manager and my team.

Well, i couldn't stop, she's just too hot for me not to kiss her.

Her loscious pouting lips were inviting, anyway.

I knew she could not resist me.

"Kate, what time Anntonia's event will start?" I asked her as i am planning to go there after the summit conference was done.

I was thankful enough that the Irfan guy didn't go with her here. He should stay where he couldn't reach her.

"It will start at 11:30 tonight." Kate stated and i nodded.

"Call her manager and inform him i'll be picking her up after the new year's countdown." I said as i also adjusted suit in front of the mirror before going outside of the room.

I'll be attending the year end summit conference and was thankful it was reschedule today because i had the chance to be with my doll.
After long hours inside the huge convention center, the conference finally ended.

I was itching to go out and see my doll and i missed her terribly.

I couldn't wait any longer and headed to the awaiting SUV outside of the convention center.

"To EmsPhere." I signaled Ben as soon as i entered the car.

Kate already informed me that Anntonia is already at the EmsPhere shopping mall where the countdown will be held.

It's almost ten in the evening and Kate said that the program has already started but Anntonia is still not present at the rooftop.

Since she's the one to lead the countdown and the star for the night of this evening, she would be the last to show up at the event.

Mother Pui already informed Kate that her manager has already been informed that i will be the one picking her up.

I didn't know people in Thailand knew me until i noticed few of Empshere security team about six of them escorted me the moment my feets hit the entrance of the mall.

The passerby stopped for a few moments and when they recognized who i was, they immediately took pictures of me and other screamed my name to get their attention.

But i didn't give them a spare of glance as my mind is still to the woman who i really wanted to see at the moment.

"Miss Porsild is still in the CEO's room together with the other MUT runner ups, Miss Koch. If you want to see her, i'll lead you the way there." The staff said as we took the escelator to the third floor of the mall and i nodded.

Of course i would love to see my doll right now and i couldn't wait anymore minute just to have a glance of her.

When we finally arrived on the third floor, i then noticed fans screaming for Anntonia's name outside of the glass fogged door, and i already knew, she's just inside waiting for the signal to go to the event.

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