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Almost one month here in El Salvador and the final competition of Miss Unverse has finally come to an end.

It's my first time to be away from home this long since my trip with my boss just took us for only 2-3 days.

I am at the penthouse together with Aisiah preparing a lunch for our boss and of course her woman, Miss Thailand.

Yes, Miss Thailand is in the penthouse watching movies in the living room with Hans.

Even if i don't ask my boss what's their real score, i know there something between them.

The way Miss Thailand looked at Hans, it has so much love to it.

I don't even ask her twice everytime i go to her suite to take her to the penthouse.

All i could see in her eyes was excitement and longing for my boss.

And even though the hectic schedules of Miss Thailand is pack, she still has the time to be with Hans at night.

The pride of Thialand has been sneaking out after their daily activities were concluded.

It has been already straight four days when the two have sneaking out just to be together.

I don't know exactly of Miss Thailand relationship with her boyfriend but honestly, i didn't care about it because seeing my boss being happy with Miss Thailand, that's enough for me.

My boss is not as what i have expected when it comes to women.

Women chased her.

Not her to chase them.

And this is the first time i've seen Hans like this.

To be so occupied with a woman.

To Miss Thailand.

I can't blame her because the woman she adored is drop dead gorgeous.

The Thai beauty queen is much prettier when she's just in her house clothes or in her pajama.

I even noticed that she loves to wear her oversized Metallica shirts and pink pajama but still, we can't deny the fact that the Thai beauty is so gorgeous for us not to see.

Her beautiful and positive aura really captured not just by Hans but of course to the people around her.

She has the personality that everyone loves her.

That is why she's the most famous out of the 84 candidates of 72nd Miss Universe.

To be honest, she's the only person i know who can shout and can punch at my boss.

I've once seen them chasing each other when Hans accidentally kicked the dog and Miss Thailand got furious about it and then my boss ran away from her to escape but Miss Thailand still chased her and the both of them were chasing nontstop in the living room shouting.

That was the first time i've seen my boss that scared over a woman.

Miss Thailand indeed the first woman who can match my boss rigid behavior.

Hans was obviously enjoying every moment of her life with the Thai Queen.

I don't know if what would be her life if Miss Thailand would go back to Thailand after the competition.

But i knew my boss.

If she's into with someone, she'll do whatever it takes and no one can stop her even her parents.

That's the reason why she became one of the riches business tycoon in the world.

Because she's is a risk taker.

Her empire wouldn't be that big if she's not the person who risk her life for everything.

She's well respected to the world of business.

Big names around the world knew her.

Even though, she's a private person when it comes to her personal life, she still has the time to update her fans on her instagram who garnered 30 millions followers.

She's my boyfriend bestfriend and cousins.

They both grew up in a world of business but my boyfriend stayed with her over the years and most of the time, Drei was the one who manage the main branch of Hans business partly in Paris.

Hans has her owned mansion in Marseille, Paris but she barely go there because of her business.

She usually stay in her penthouse in France or in her parents mansion in La Rochelle.

She's also very close with her sister Avery even though she's much older than her younger sister.

The two are so inseperable that even Avery's love life, Hans was so overprotective about it.

Who couldn't be intimated by Hans Koch, right?

She's a metal fence over her younger sister.

Hans never called her parents but to her sister, most of everyday.

That's how Hans loves her sister.

As i looked at the living room, i caught them cuddling while eating some popcorns.

Miss Thailand was leaning on Hans shoulder while her hand was on Hans chest.

The two are too serious to the movie they've been watching.

I smiled at the sight in front of me that even myself can't prevent not to take a picture of them and send it to my boyfriend.

"Hey! That's my drink!" I heard Miss Thailand complaint over a juice to Hans who i think drank the queen owned juice.

"We can refill it though. Don't be furious." I smiled at Hans statement.

"You refill it and don't ask them. You should the one to rifill it." I stifled a laugh the moment Miss Thailand commanded Hans who only scratched her head and could do nothing but stood and walked to the dining table to rifill Miss Thailand glass.

After few minutes later, the two finally have their lunch at the swimming pool area where it was located at the outside of the penthouse and the entire city of El Salvador can also be seen from the top of the building.

It's my first time seeing Hans this happy.

She's a hot tempered person. One wrong word and it's like you are walking into a lion's den.

She barely smile as she only reserved that smile for her family.

She's also a joker when it comes to her sister Avery.

Always a pain in the ass for Avery as what the latter always says to me.

I have to thank Miss Thailand for making my boss this Happy.

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