Subplot: A day with IF and Compa

Start from the beginning

Y/N: You two ready?

They nodded happily.

IF: This will be nice.

Compa: Let's go!

Compa grabbed his arm close to her chest. He was flustered.

Y/N: Uh, Compa? My arm is touching your-.

IF: Compa! What are you doing?!

Compa: N/N is still new to the city and it's crowded. We don't want to lose each other.

IF thought for a moment then sighed. She grabbed on Y/N's other arm.

Y/N: IF?!

IF: D...don't get the wrong idea. I'm only doing this so we don't get separated. She said as she blushed.

The three of them headed out and started their day together. They explored the city for some time until IF saw something that peaked her interest.

IF: It's a phone shop. Why don't we check it out?

Y/N: Sure, I wonder what they're like.

Compa: Have an interest in phones, N/N?

Y/N: Back in my world, I played a lot of apps on my phone when I can't play console video games.

IF: I got many apps myself. Most of them are free. I also keep multiple phones with me. Some I just use only for apps.

Y/N: You must really like phones. I still have mine with me though I guess my own phone won't really work much since it's from a different world.

IF: Then how about we get you for Gamindustri? You could use one.

They went inside the shop and saw many types of phones.

IF: Pick any one you like. Don't worry about the price, I'll help you pay for it.

Y/N: Really? Thanks. I'll try not to pick something too expensive.

IF: Like I said, don't worry about it. Just find a phone you like.

They started looking around and examining phones. Y/N was trying to decide which phone to choose until he saw one that caught his interest.

 Y/N was trying to decide which phone to choose until he saw one that caught his interest

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IF noticed Y/N's gaze.

IF: Found one that peaked your interest?

Y/N: What does this phone have?

IF: Let's see.

She was looking at the details of the phone.

IF: Oh, it's got a very high storage, you can almost fit every app on this, and the quality is unbelievable. It said that its battery lasts for at least a month. It's also very durable when you're in the middle of combat. And the Wi Fi... Y/N this is a very rare phone. I recommend you should get this.

Keyblade Wielder in Gamindustri (Harem x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now