18: Dueling Club (Meanwhile...)

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Kit spent most of the time at Dueling Club that evening paying more attention to Kris and Calliope than he did on his own dueling, which Tristan took full advantage of

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Kit spent most of the time at Dueling Club that evening paying more attention to Kris and Calliope than he did on his own dueling, which Tristan took full advantage of. By the end of the club's session, Kit's rump was sore from the number of times he'd been knocked on it, and his hair was very disheveled, which displeased him. After his cousin lost rather magnificently to Maddock Witte, Kit clicked his tongue and went over to give him a quick hug. He knew Mac's only injury was to his rather substantial pride, though, so while the other Gryffindors continued to work on cheering him up, Kit turned to see how Calliope and Kris were doing. Most of the reason Tristan had beaten him so badly was because he had been so distracted by whatever had been going on between Kris and Kelton Montague. Whatever it was, it didn't seem to have gotten any better. Kit started to make his way over, but then a warm, familiar voice stopped him.

"Hey, Kit." It was Julian, a small and somewhat shy smile on his lips. "How was your duel?"

Kit's smile was wide as he turned to the American. "Oh, it was all right. How was yours with Xander?"

Julian ran his hand through his hair and shrugged half-heartedly. "Well, you were right, it was definitely more of a challenge. Xander is a strong duellist. But actually, I had more fun dueling with you."

Don't read into it, Kit warned himself as his heart sped up. He worked hard to keep the smile on his face from becoming too goofy. "I see," he said slowly. "So you just like to beat people up. I had no idea you were like that, Julian." He shook his head as though in dismay.

When Julian laughed, he threw his head back, giving Kit the opportunity to admire the strong curve of his jawline. His hand was on Kit's shoulder and gave him a quick squeeze before Julian dropped it back to his side, shaking his head with mirth. His hair fell into his eyes a bit when he tilted his head back forward, and Kit came very close to reaching out and brushing it away.

"It's not that," Julian promised, his eyes twinkling. "It's just nice to talk to someone. Xander doesn't say much, you know?" Kit nodded. He had lived in the same dorm as Xander for the past five years. He knew exactly what Julian meant. "I completely understand if you'd rather not work with me again, though," Julian added.

"Oh, no," Kit said quickly. "That's not what I meant. I'd definitely like to work with you again." He thought about Kris and winced inwardly. He'd have to figure out a different way to keep Calliope from partnering with Xander.

"Excuse me, Kit?"

"Hm?" Kit tore his eyes away from Julian's with some effort. Nik Averbach had approached them and was standing a respectful distance away. "Oh. All right, Nik?"

Nik was frowning ever so slightly. Though he too had just been dueling moments ago, his hair was still perfectly in place, Kit couldn't help but note with some jealousy. "I was wondering if you saw where Kris went off to? I need to speak with him. About, well, you know."

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