13: The Courtyard

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That Saturday was warm and sunny, and nearly every student was out of the castle to enjoy it

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That Saturday was warm and sunny, and nearly every student was out of the castle to enjoy it. Kris and Kit were sitting in the courtyard, their backs against the sun-warmed stone of the castle wall, finishing off the pasties Kris had snagged from the Great Hall before lunch ended.

            "I just don't feel like I'm making any progress," he was explaining to Kit. "I mean, how often do I see her, really?" He started ticking off on his fingers. "Herbology twice a week, but that Xander bloke is always around; Potions once a week, and I'm not getting near her then, not under Volkov's nose, he'd immediately send an owl to my parents if he saw me associating with a Halfblood; Ancient Studies on Saturdays, but she said she'd have to give that up if Quidditch interferes; and Dueling Club on Tuesday, but now she always partners with Xander." He shook his head and leaned back against the wall. "It's hopeless."

            "Mm," Kit said noncommittally.

    "You're not even listening," Kris complained.

    Kit sighed. "I am. But I don't know what to tell ya, mate. I don't have the secret key to unlockin' Calliope Everard's heart."

    "I'm not asking for a key. I just want to figure out how to spend more time with her." Kris planted his elbows on his knees and propped his face on his hands, looking glum.

     Kit mused. "Well, I don't know about the rest of it, but I might have a way to get her away from Xander in Dueling Club."

     Kris swiveled to look at him. "Really? How?"

"Well, I suggested to Julian before that he partner with Xander, since he'd be a way better opponent than me. I'll suggest it to him again and that will make Calliope free."

Kris grinned at him. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Kit tilted his head slightly to give Kris a quizzical look. "I've always got Tristan to partner with."

Wisely, Kris chose not to comment. He had his suspicions about his best friend, but he thought it would be indelicate to say them. Last year, when Brayden Weaver had tried spreading a rumor about Kit liking his brother, Kris had quickly stomped it out. He knew it would have destroyed Kit to have something like that flying around the school. He also knew Nik wouldn't have reacted well to the rumor. Kris had noted the eager way Kit had offered to partner with Julian, and suspected he wasn't simply being a gracious host.

"So, when I duel Calliope, should I win, or let her win?" Kris wondered.

Kit gave him a look. "You've seen her duel, haven't ya? It wouldn't be a matter of 'lettin' her win.' And I don't think it would impress her very much if ya didn't put in a good effort."

"That's true," Kris said with an approving nod. "She prefers a challenge." He cast a sideways look at his friend. "Speaking of challenges... I'd never have figured her for a Seeker."

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