7: Dueling Club

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Notices had been posted in each common room announcing that Dueling Club would resume this Tuesday afternoon

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Notices had been posted in each common room announcing that Dueling Club would resume this Tuesday afternoon. Kit made his way down to the spare classroom they would be using, chatting with Tristan, Caius, and Jayla, whose hair was now in shades of light blue, purple, and pink.

"Do you think everyone from last year will be there?" Tristan wondered.

Jay shook her head. "Ella already said she won't make it this year. She's struggling to stay on top of all the homework. But I'm sure there will be some new second years eager to join now."

"I know Tibs said he is. He's Lavinia's little brother," Kit explained. "Second year with brown hair? Will probably grow up to be devilishly handsome?"

Tristan snorted while Jay smiled. "Ah, you mean the one that looks like he could be your double when you were that age."

"That's the one," Kit said with a nod. "And Mac's little sister, Brigh, is joining. Fiona apparently threw a tantrum when she heard that first years weren't allowed."

"Poor thing," Jay said sympathetically. "I remember feeling like that in first year. We weren't allowed to do anything. No dueling club, no Hogsmeade, no Quidditch."

Kit smirked. "Sure, but you still did it."

"I snuck into Hogsmeade once," she reminded him. "And I didn't play Quidditch or join dueling club until second year."

"Maybe not, but you dueled often enough for it to count as a club. Sole member: You."

Jayla threw her multi-colored hair over her shoulder. "I do not deign to respond to that."

They were laughing as they entered the classroom. It was a spare room, not currently used by any of the teachers, and therefore all the desks had been cleared away to make room. Mats were placed in strategic positions all along the floor. A lot of the club members were already there, clustered in little groups according to House. Kris Averbach was standing with the Slytherins, but as soon as Kit came in, he peeled himself away to stand with his best friend.

Brigh also came over to Kit when she saw him, smiling her toothy grin. She was starting to grow into her looks, Kit thought. Much like her brother, she possessed some rather unfortunate features. Her eyebrows were high and thin, like Mac's, her nose a little pug-ish, her teeth rather large and somewhat crooked. But she was growing out her hair, which was, like Kit's, a chestnut brown, and she had gotten a little taller, helping to thin her face.

"I haven't seen Mac yet," Brigh said after greeting him. "I told him I'd duel him first."

"You don't want to duel Mac," Kit told her quickly. "He gets a little out of control. Stick to your own age group for now, Brigh." He introduced her to his friends, and then Mac showed up, and chaos quickly ensued as he hexed someone for "demonstration."

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