4: The Great Hall

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Grady Morgan was drinking from his goblet of pumpkin juice when the morning post arrived the following day

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Grady Morgan was drinking from his goblet of pumpkin juice when the morning post arrived the following day. He choked a little on his juice and ducked down as Daedalus, his parents' owl, swooped overhead and landed in front of his plate. The other Hufflepuffs around him kindly didn't laugh as Took MacIver reached out and untied the letter from Daedalus's leg for him. The owl gave Grady an unmistakably disdainful look before flying off again. Took smiled in a consoling way as he handed him the letter. Anyone who knew Grady knew of his fear of birds, and if it had been anyone but Grady, they all likely would have teased him mercilessly for it. But not even the Slytherins could seem to find it in them to make fun of the Hufflepuff.

"Already?" Grady said, aghast, as he opened the letter. Usually his parents waited at least a week before writing, demanding to know how his classes were going, if he was staying on top of his homework, etc, etc. Other students received owls on the first day too, of course, but they were usually either first years or students who had forgotten something at home. Grady couldn't think of anything he'd left, and besides, this wasn't a package.

He read the letter quickly, munching on toast as he did so. His eyes widened as he read.

Dear Grady,

Your mother and I believe we have found an eligible match for Sian. He is, admittedly, French, but his background is strong and his family has a small fortune of their own. They're called the Lafontaine's. We are leaving for France to secure the connection and expect to be gone for at least a month. If you need to reach us, address your letter to the Lafontaine's and Tiresias will know where to go. If we're lucky, we'll find a future wife for you!

Respectfully yours,

Your father

"What is it?" Took asked, curious by the expression that had made its way onto Grady's face.

"My parents are taking Sian to France to marry some wealthy pureblood French wizard," Grady muttered, tossing the letter down.

Took gave him a sympathetic look. "The pressure's on for the Morgans, I guess. They have to marry Sian off to someone rich since you're getting all the money, right?"

Grady shifted uncomfortably. He hadn't told Took yet that he had been disinherited. He'd only found out this summer, after all, but he could have told him about it in a letter. He dropped his eyes down to the letter, and read the part about finding him a wife. What was the point of that? Grady was only fifteen, and Sian had made it clear that he wasn't going to get a Knut when he came of age.

He cleared his throat. "Actually, Took, I don't know how to tell you this, but I've been ousted by my sister." He smiled a little crookedly at him. "I know you've only been my friend for my money, so I'll understand completely if you ditch me to go hang out with the Averbachs."

Took stared at him from behind the huge frames he wore. Then he burst out laughing. "You're serious?" he said. "Sian's made your parents disinherit you?" When Grady nodded, Took reached across the table and high-fived him. "Brilliant! So your parents will finally stop breathing down your neck!"

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