5: Slytherin Common Room

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"How did it go with Lavinia?" Nik asked Kris

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"How did it go with Lavinia?" Nik asked Kris. They were both sitting in front of the fireplace in the Slytherin common room, enjoying their free morning period. Kris had been gazing at the block marked out for Herbology, which the Slytherins would share with Ravenclaw, and which would therefore be his first opportunity to speak to Calliope again.

"Hm?" Kris looked up. "Lavinia?"

"On the train?" Nik prompted him.

"Oh. Swell. Really swell, actually," he lied through his teeth.

His brother beamed at him, and Kris felt the guilt coursing through him. "That's great to hear," Nik said. "Father will be pleased. And Kit's right. She's very pretty." Nik read another page of his book before looking up. "They rather share looks, don't you think?"

Kris looked bewildered. "Who?"

"Kit and Lavinia," Nik said. "Dark hair, dark eyes. I'm guessing his father acquired his looks from the Ramsey side and passed it down to Kit."

"I guess," Kris said uncertainly. He had no idea why Nik was bringing it up.

"The Ramsey genes might dominate then," Nik continued. "So your children would likely have Lavinia's looks."

Kris couldn't take it anymore. He stood up. "I've gotta go."

"Where? You don't have class."

"I forgot I said I'd meet Lavinia," Kris lied, and stalked out of the room after seeing Nik's approving nod.

He had never wanted to punch his brother in the face before. They always got along really well. But ever since their father had started pushing them to find pureblood British girls, Kris had found himself increasingly at odds with Nik, who acquiesced to everything their father asked, perfectly acting the part of dutiful son. Meanwhile, it was becoming increasingly likely that Kris was going to be the rebel outcast.

He paused when he reached the ground floor, wondering where to go. He wasn't actually meeting Lavinia, of course. As far as he knew, the Ravenclaws had a class that morning. He didn't want to go anywhere too public though, in case word got back to Nik that someone had seen him, sans Lavinia Ramsey. He remembered an abandoned classroom hidden behind a tapestry that he and Kit had sometimes used to practice spells in, or just goof off. Kris made his way there, looking forward to being able to sulk in peace for a change.

Much later, a still sullen Kris left the Great Hall after lunch and made his way towards the greenhouses. Professor Folia stood outside, directing them into Greenhouse Four. When Kris entered, he looked around quickly, but didn't see Calliope anywhere. He made his way to one of the tables along the side, where he could watch the other students enter.

Kit entered a few minutes later with Caius Lockridge and Tristan Parker, but once he saw Kris, he peeled away from the Ravenclaws and joined him at his table. Kris exchanged a grin with him, but kept one eye on the greenhouse door. Jayla Edris, Ella Hanson, Ishanvi, and—he swallowed—Lavinia all entered a little later. Jayla bounced over to Caius and Tristan, flipping her rainbow-colored hair while the other three girls grabbed a table next to them.

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