17: Dueling Club

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Kris entered Dueling Club that Tuesday afternoon with nervous excitement bubbling in his stomach

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Kris entered Dueling Club that Tuesday afternoon with nervous excitement bubbling in his stomach. Nik and Astrid were both with him, but as soon as he entered the room he looked around for Kit. His friend wasn't there yet, but Calliope and Xander were standing together, which made him grimace. Julian, he noticed, was also there already, watching the door expectantly.

They went and joined the other Slytherins who were present, but Kris continued to watch for Kit while surreptitiously glancing at Calliope from time to time. After what felt like an eternity, Kit entered with Jay, Tristan, and Caius, looking dapper as ever. Kit's eyes met Kris's and he gave him a small nod. Julian was already approaching Kit with a warm smile on his face.

"Hey Julian," he could hear Kit say. "Look, I was thinking, I'm really not much of a challenge for you. I really think you should pair up with Xander Thorncroft over there." Even Kris could see the look of disappointment on Julian's face as he turned to look where Kit was indicating. "Come on, I'll introduce you."

Kris managed to resist going over immediately while Kit did his introductions. He saw Xander give Julian a lazy smile and a handshake, say something to Calliope, who shrugged and nodded and started looking around, presumably for Jayla, who had already partnered up with her twin Drew, as planned. Kit gave Julian a small wave and went over to Tristan, leaving Calliope alone.

He could feel Nik's eyes boring into his back as he walked over to Calliope, but he didn't look back at his brother, knowing the look of disapproval that would be on his face. Instead, he kept his eyes trained on Calliope, giving her what he hoped was a winning smile as he reached her. "Hey, Calliope, do you need a partner?"

She looked up at him with relief and smiled gratefully. "Yes, please."

Professor Breese got the club to order after telling off Sully and reminded them once more of the list to duel competitively. Then they were allowed to start, and Kris and Calliope squared off and bowed to each other. He had barely straightened up when he was hit with a spell that nearly knocked him off his feet.

Whoah! She can pack a punch! He thought as he regained his balance. Calliope was waiting, her wand held aloft but still aimed at him. Unwilling to cast a spell that might do damage, he settled for, "Locomotor Mortis!"

"Protego!" she cried, and his jinx bounced harmlessly off her shield.

"Come on, Averbach," Kelton Montague, a Slytherin in Kris's year, teased. He was dueling Noah Payne nearby. "You can take on Everard, can't ya? She's only about half your size."

Calliope scowled at him. Kris shook his head. "Size doesn't correlate to magical might," he told Kelton.

"So what you're saying is 'size doesn't matter,' eh, Kris?" Noah said with a grin, no doubt thinking he was hilarious. Kelton snorted loudly.

Kris turned back to Calliope, rolling his eyes. "Ignore them."

"Gladly," she said coolly, but she was clearly rattled. Her next spell flew over Kris's shoulder, missing him completely. Kelton and Noah burst out laughing.

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