Im back?

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Jimin side:

Mr Min was about to stab Suga when someone familiar ran in and shot Mr Min in the other leg causing him to fall on the ground and scream

???: boys take him to Jimin torture room

???: YES SIR

The mysterious guy came in the light, he was old, about the same age as Jimins mother, he looked familiar but Jimin couldn't put the pin on it

The guy walked over to them and untied Bangtan with ease.

Jimin without wasting a second pinned the old guy to the ground

The rest of Bangtan was about to help Jimin when they realised who the person was....


The guy easily got out of Jimins hold and pinned him to the wall.

???: Park Jimin at least listen to me

Jimin: I'm listening....

The guy let go of of Jimin and showed him his ID card, his wallet, and Jimins Baby photos.

Jimin: what TF are these

The guy started tearing up  and fell on his knees and put his hands to Jimin feet

???: I-I'm sorry son...

Jimin eyes widened and he checked the things the guy gave him

The ID card: Park Jeon-bo (Jimins father's name)

The wallet had lots of money in it but what caught Jimins attention was the picture of Jimin as a baby and his mother in a hospital bed

And the photos he turned around and saw his pictures

Jimins eyes teared up and he picked up his father my his shoulder and said sadly " a-appa is I-it you? If this is y-you tell me my most embarrassing m-moment in my l-life that you know of?"

Jimins dad chuckled and said "when you were 5 you went to your first day of school but you came home 30 mins after we dropped you because you peed your pants cause you were nervous.. once you also bought a ring pop and proposed to your mum saying you wanna marry her. also once at the mall you wanted to go to the bathroom so you took a hand bag and peed in there... also-"

Jimins dad was cut of by Jimin saying "ok ok we don't need to do that deep" he glared at Bangtan who were snickering in the corner of the room

Jimin immediately hugged his dad

Jimin: why did you do that though?!

Mr Park: I didn't want to burden you with the Mafia business so I left saying I committed-

Jimin tightened his hug around his dad making him choke

Mr Park: J-Jimin I c-can't breath *chokes*.

Jimin let's go and chuckles and says "oh sorry hehe"

Jimin: *gasps*


and just like that Jimin ran out of the place leaving all the others shook at his sudden behaviour

Jungkook: ohhhhhh!

Everyone including Mr Park looked at him and said "you know where he went"

BTS: ohhhh

Mr Park stood there confused

Jungkook: I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell you though.

Mr Park: just tell me I'm his Father

Jungkook: sorry no I can't I need his permission

Jimin side A/n pov:

Jimin was running as fast as he could to his house when


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