Jimin starts to sob. "I cannot."

Jungkook asks: "Why?"

"I, I cannot wake up earlier..."

Jimin whined on the phone.

Inside the room, Seo joon suddenly knocks out his keyboard and roars, "Wow, this stupid bitch!"

The next moment, Taehyung throws his pillow towards Seo joon, saying, "If you keep on being noisy, I'll beat your ass."

"Taehyung! This is an important moment for me!" Seo joon yells, "Dammit, don't sleep anymore, let's--"

Jungkook purses his lips and locks the balcony door. He leans on the railing and looks around. He calms his tone and asks, "Jimin, what time do you usually arrive at school?"

Jimin chokes and honestly answers, "07:40 a.m."

"You wake up around 07:00 a.m.?"


"Tomorrow, could you wake up at 06:00 a.m?"

This time, Jimin stays quiet.

"Don't worry. go wash your face and get some rest."

Jimin replies with a sigh: "Okay."

Feeling a bit hesitant, Jimin quietly asks: "could you please not tell my hyung about this?"

Jungkook chuckles softly: "Are you really that scared to let him know that you left your homework with me?"

Jimin hesitates for a moment, struggling to find the right words: "It's not that... I just want to keep it between us, you know?"

Understanding Jimin's request, Jungkook agrees: "Alright, I'll keep it a secret. Just between us."

Jungkook then reminds Jimin: "Don't forget to wake up tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. I'll give you a call then too."

Jimin nods obediently: "Okay, I won't forget."

Jungkook offers some final words of advice: "Now, get some sleep. You need to rest."

As the call ends, Jungkook sets his phone aside and takes a moment to gather his thoughts.

He notices that Taehyung's phone doesn't have a password, so he turns it on and decides to check the call log. He glances at Jimin's phone number for a second before turning off the phone.

Feeling a sense of relief, Jungkook neatly folds his clean, dry clothes and returns to his room.

Jungkook passes the phone to Taehyung, who's totally engrossed in his game next to Seo Joon. Taehyung, with a curious expression, asks, "Yo, what's the matter, do you want me to get it for you?"

Jungkook, keeping it casual, replies, "no it's okay, it's just a toy. I figured he could have it."

Taehyung simply nods, not pressing for any more details.

After a while, Jungkook heads into the room to take a quick shower. When he's done and steps out, he notices that the room is pitch black. Using his towel to dry his hair, he makes his way to the table and flicks on the light switch. As the light floods the room, Jungkook's eyes scan the table, only to realize that Jimin's book is nowhere in sight.

Feeling a mix of confusion and curiosity, Jungkook decides to check inside his backpack.

And Inside his backpack, he finds a light blue book that definitely doesn't belong to him.

Jungkook sets aside the book and turns on his laptop to work on his report, which he's been tackling for the past couple of days. The roommates have finally quieted down, everyone taking a well-deserved rest. But Jungkook, determined to finish his work, keeps at it.

/My Secret Crush / Jikook~Where stories live. Discover now