The door to Mary and Sebastian's room opens and Sebastian calls for Gilbert. He gives me a sympathetic look before handing Delly back to me.

I cradle Delphine in my arms, stepping outside into the fresh air. The sun casts a warm glow on the surroundings as I make my way to the familiar willow tree. With each step, memories of my mother flood my mind.

"Delphine, this tree has seen generations of laughter, stories, and tears," I murmur to the baby. "My mother used to sit here and share tales of our family, just like I'll do for you." I settle beneath the willow, the gentle rustle of its leaves creating a comforting symphony.

As I recount stories of my mother's strength, love, and the joy she brought to our lives, I can't help but feel the weight of impending loss. But for Delphine's sake, I focus on the warmth of those memories.

After some time Delphine falls asleep, I make my way back inside and head for her cradle. When I overhear Mary say to Gilbert, "That girl you mentioned?" I stop dead in my tracks. "Be sure you marry for love." I almost drop the baby when I hear the word marry. "Only for love."

I stand frozen in the hallway for a few moments until I hear footsteps. I start walking into the bedroom, Gilbert freezes and gives me a startled look. I brush past and greet Mary. "I seem to have tuckered her plum out." I giggle awkwardly as Mary wipes her eyes.

"Thank you, Ada." She smiles. Gilbert clears his throat, we exchange an awkward look and he leaves. I sigh in relief before gently placing Delly down.

I take a seat by Mary, and the words she spoke weigh heavily on my mind. "Mary," I begin hesitantly, "do you ever worry that love won't last?"

"What a way to start up conversation." She chuckles as she looks at me with a knowing gaze, a mixture of sympathy and wisdom. "I know love can be a tricky thing."

I sigh, feeling the weight of recent awkwardness between Gilbert and me. "Since I got back things just feel complicated. Like it won't work out."

Mary reaches for my hand, her touch comforting. "Love is resilient, Ada. It has a way of finding its course."

"But what if it's not meant to be?" I confess, my doubts lingering. I take a deep breath, contemplating the complexities of my feelings. "What if I'm wasting my time? Maybe there's someone else out there for— my person. Someone who won't make things so complicated."

"I don't think you are. That is if we are talking about the same young man?" I blush and scratch my neck as Mary chuckles softly, her eyes filled with warmth. "Ada, honey, I don't think he can look at another woman the way he looks at you. Sometimes, the heart has a way of finding its own path, and I've seen the way he cares about you. Give it time, and you might be surprised."

Her lighthearted remark brings a smile to my face, momentarily easing the weight on my shoulders. Perhaps Mary is right—love has its own mysterious ways, and maybe Gilbert and I are destined for something more.

Mary's eyes sparkle. "I have a feeling you two will find your way to each other."

Her words linger in the air, and as I leave the room, I carry Mary's encouragement with me, a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty.


"Are we sure this is a good idea?" I gulp as a man gives me a glare as Gilbert and I trek through the Bog. We've been searching for Elijah and so far we haven't found him.

"We're doing this for Mary." Gilbert sighs. "Just stay close. They're not gonna hurt you."

We find a bar that someone told us Elijah drinks at a lot. When we enter all of the commotion stops and everyone looks to us.

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