Chapter 20 - The Truth Hurts

Start from the beginning

Honestly I don't even get the impression he's paying me much attention - I think it just helps his process to talk himself through it.

Of course he also had to hack the website in order for it to work. It took him roughly fourty five seconds to do so. That is how we found ourselves reading an article from 2007 that reports a fatal car accident. An accident in which a mother did not survive but the child did - Adaline Faith. However, the most important information was contained in one, short sentence; 'Evangeline Faith was survived by her partner Joseph Page.'

A sense of familiarity tickles my senses; like the barest hint of wind in the baby hairs on the back of my neck.

The sensation causes alarm bells to start ringing in my head - Joseph Page; I've heard that name somewhere before.

Topher is hyper-focused on the screen; a confused, almost angry, look on his face. I don't want to ask and yet I know I have no choice - maybe it's just a false alarm. "Topher? You recognise that name?" Without breaking his gaze from the screen he affirmatively nods as a sour expression contorts his usually pleasant features.

"That name is a ticking bomb - and the second Harry kidnapped that girl -" I grunt in disapproval but Topher just scoffs at me. "Oh come on, no bullshit here. Can you honestly tell me that girl had even an ounce of choice in the whole matter?" I open my mouth to argue and then close it again without saying a word.

I don't know every detail of how everything went down with her ex Evan, his friends and Harry - but I know Evan was thoroughly pissed that Harry took Addy from him. It wasn't exactly kidnapping - but it's wasn't very fucking far from it either. Shit.

"Like I said - the second he kidnapped her he started the timer counting down to an explosion. Seems like Addy is the daughter of Brisbane's biggest drug dealer. He runs over half the city - The Southside, Logan City and Ipswich. It's a shaky hold but he's definitely top dog. Pretty bad rep too." And just like that it all falls into place and the gravity of the situation hits me like a freight train.

As we delve deeper using some incredibly unconventional methods - designed and conceptualised by Topher - we manage to confirm the familial relation without a shadow of a doubt. Even more disturbing, we discover that Evan is the son of William Hart - Joseph's second in command. Despite the puzzle pieces finally fitting together both Topher and I still struggle to see the bigger picture.

For all the answers we've unearthed one remains just out of reach; why the fuck are they here?

For all the answers we've unearthed one remains just out of reach; why the fuck are they here?

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