Chapter 16

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I sank onto the plush sofa in Az's chamber, my hand cradled protectively against my chest. The searing pain radiating from my burnt palm was a constant reminder of the encounter with Prince Kael. Gritting my teeth, I blew a soft stream of air over the angry red skin, a feeble attempt to soothe the fiery agony that seemed to engulf my entire hand.

The blisters that had formed were an angry shade of red, raised and swollen against my tender flesh. Each touch, each movement, sent a sharp jolt of pain through me, making me wince with every twitch of my fingers. I clenched my teeth together, fighting back tears of frustration and pain.

I studied the blisters, my gaze tracing the contours of the wounds as if willing them to heal faster. The skin was tight and stretched, a stark contrast to the smoothness of my uninjured hand. A thin sheen of sweat formed on my forehead as I continued to blow cool air onto the burn, the slight relief it brought offering a brief respite from the torment.

My other hand trembled slightly as I reached for a nearby cloth. Gently, I wrapped the soft fabric around my burnt palm, creating a makeshift bandage to shield it from further irritation. The touch of the cloth against the blisters was both comforting and painful, a reminder of the delicate balance between seeking relief and avoiding more harm.

Closing my eyes, I took a slow, steadying breath, trying to quell the throbbing ache that pulsed through my hand. The pain seemed to echo with every beat of my heart, a constant reminder of the challenges I faced in this unfamiliar world.

As I sat there, nursing my wounded hand, a mix of emotions swirled within me. Frustration at Kael's callousness, anger at the power dynamics that allowed him to treat me so recklessly, and a simmering determination to prove that I was more than just a servant subjected to his whims.

But beneath it all, there was a quiet resolve—a stubborn refusal to let this setback define me. I was stronger than the pain, stronger than the challenges that lay before me. With each passing moment, as the pain gradually subsided to a dull throb, I found a renewed determination to rise above the trials and carve my own path in this complex and unforgiving realm.

And as I sat on that sofa, cradling my wounded hand and nursing my wounded pride, I knew that I would continue to fight, to endure, and to prove my worth in the face of adversity.

And so, I waited. The passage of time seemed to stretch endlessly as I sat in Az's chamber, my eyes fixed on the intricately carved doorway, hoping for his return. The soft flicker of candlelight cast dancing shadows across the room, a gentle reminder of the world beyond these walls.

My thoughts wandered, a cascade of emotions swirling within me. The pain in my hand had subsided to a dull ache, but my wounded pride still stung. Kael's dismissive attitude and calculated provocations echoed in my mind, a constant undercurrent to my growing determination.

As minutes turned into an hour, the silence in the chamber became more pronounced. It was unlike Az to be absent for this long, especially when he knew I awaited his return. A sliver of unease crept into my thoughts, accompanied by a flicker of worry. Had something unexpected come up? Was he caught in a situation that demanded his attention?

I pushed aside the rising anxiety, reminding myself that Az was more than capable of handling whatever challenges arose. Still, a part of me longed for his presence, for the familiar reassurance that he brought. The bond we shared, forged through trials and shared experiences, had grown stronger with each passing day. His absence left an emptiness in the room, a void that I struggled to fill.

With a sigh, I shifted on the sofa, adjusting the makeshift bandage on my hand. The dull pain served as a constant reminder of the day's events, of the struggles I had faced and the battles that lay ahead. I knew that my journey in this realm was far from over, and that every challenge was a stepping stone toward proving my worth.

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