Chapter 10

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The morning sun began to paint the sky with hues of gold and rose, casting a warm glow over the clearing where Auzrael, Elvira, and Alvin had shared their brief respite. As the first rays of light filtered through the trees, a sense of quiet anticipation hung in the air—a reminder that the inevitable moment of parting had arrived.

Unbeknownst to Elvira, Auzrael stood near the edge of the clearing, his eyes fixed upon her as she cradled Alvin in her arms, the innocence of their bond a bittersweet tableau that tugged at his heart. His decision to leave was a heavy one, born of the complex interplay between his responsibilities as a prince and the newfound connection he had forged.

With a heavy sigh, Auzrael turned away, his footsteps soundless as he moved toward the forest's edge. He knew that his absence would be felt, but he also recognized the importance of his role in the demon realm—an intricate web of power and politics that demanded his attention.

As he disappeared into the embrace of the woods, he left behind a folded piece of parchment, carefully placed where Elvira would find it. The note bore his distinct script, a testament to the careful consideration that had gone into his words:


Though our time together was brief, it was a gift I will forever hold close to my heart.

Know that I leave not out of choice, but out of necessity, a duty I cannot ignore. But should you ever find yourself in dire need, should the shadows of danger darken your path, know that you need only call upon my name, and I will come.

The map to the fae is on the table.

Until our paths cross again,


As Auzrael vanished into the depths of the forest, his absence was felt like a whisper in the wind—a departure marked by the weight of unspoken emotions and the promise of a future that remained uncertain.

The morning sun cast a soft glow upon the clearing, illuminating the space where Auzrael had stood just hours before. Elvira, her heart heavy with a sense of longing and unease, ventured to the edge of the clearing. Her gaze fell upon a folded piece of parchment, its presence drawing her attention like a magnet.

As she picked up the parchment and unfolded it, Auzrael's familiar script came into view, his words etched upon the page like a bittersweet melody. The letter held a promise and a farewell, a declaration of a bond that had touched her soul in ways she could scarcely comprehend.

Elvira's heart felt as though it had been torn in two as she read Auzrael's letter. The weight of his absence bore down on her like a heavy stone, and her tears fell freely, staining the parchment with the evidence of her grief. The emotions that had surged between them, the intimacy they had shared, now felt like fragile memories slipping through her fingers.

Her fingers trembled as she traced the words on the page, her mind replaying the night before—the tenderness, the passion, and the connection that had seemed so profound. And yet, he had left without a word, without an explanation, leaving her to grapple with a whirlwind of emotions that ranged from longing to confusion.

"Auzrael," she choked out his name, her voice a mixture of sorrow and a longing she could barely put into words. She clutched the letter to her chest, as if trying to hold onto the memory of his touch, the sound of his voice, and the warmth of his presence.

Alvin, sensing Elvira's distress, reached out his tiny hand and touched her cheek, his innocent gaze filled with concern. Elvira's tears fell onto his hand, and she looked down at him, her heart breaking and mending all at once.

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