27- Charles

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I was so happy to have Lyss traveling with me and that her work was so flexible since she worked from home to allow her to take care of Wes. I'm not the only one who's excited. All the drivers who I'm friends with and their girlfriends keep texting me with how excited they are.

Throughout the entire plane ride my phone kept buzzing and every single time I checked my phone it was the groupchat. I swear to them I'm chopped liver whenever Lyss is around. When I let them know that we just landed and are heading to the hospital now all the girls said that they'd be waiting in the lobby for Lyss. I heard a quiet chuckle and I looked over and saw she was up.

Since I was driving my hand was on her thigh as we kept driving to the hotel. I could her feel her leg bouncing up and down. I knew she wasn't anxious about seeing the girls but I assumed it was because she was excited since she's been in the hospital for a while now and hasn't had time to spend time with them or be normal.

After what felt like forever we finally arrived. I parked and took our luggage out. Before Lyss could start walking inside Kika, Carmen, Kelly, Lily and Laila all ran up to her pulled her into a hug. As the girls were hugging I looked up at the stairs by the entrance of the hotel and Pierre, Alex, George, Mick and Max were all laughing as was I. I heard a small voice and turned to see P getting Max's attention asking if she could join the hug. Max chuckled but nodded at her to tell her that she could join their hug.

After a couple more minutes they finally released the hug. When they did they talked about going on their girls trip and also having their girls night. I heard Lyss chuckle and jokingly say "I could do a night and a trip just us girls without the boys constantly checking in on me." I knew she was joking about being annoyed with the checking in so I just laughed, but I did think it would be good for her to finally relax and not worry. Plus I knew that the girls would look out for her. While the girls kept planning their trip Pierre looked at all of us guys "well looks like we've been replaced." We all nodded our heads and walked behind the girls as they were all walking hand in hand.

We all decided after Lyss and I checked in with Wes that we would all go to our rooms and rest a little bit before we had to head to the track for media. Lyss ordered room service for Wes since he napped on the plane and the car ride. While waiting for Wes' food I saw Lyss check her levels on her dexcom and make sure that the omnipod and her dexcom are still synced. She doesn't have to worry about manually checking her levels right now since she isn't feeling shaky, pale or sweaty since we learned are all symptoms she feels when she is low and she isn't feeling increasingly thirsty or having blurred vision which are her symptoms for when she is high. We learned all of this while she was in the hospital since her dexcom and omnipod weren't in yet. Although both of these are great and working so far the doctors told us to always carry her finger prick and testers with us in case the dexcom and omnipod aren't reading accurately, if the omnipod runs out of insulin or any other technical errors that can take place.

After she checked her levels she stood up and started to get Wes washed up and changed so we could leave after he ate. While she was getting him washed up and ready the food arrived. I tipped the room service man and set out the food for Wes to eat. Lyss ordered Wes some chicken and rice. Wes walked out in some black jeans and a ferrari t shirt and white air forces. Lyss was wearing the same thing.

As Wes was eating. I saw Lyss looking up stickers for her dexcom. They serve two purposes one to obviously make it stay on and harder to rip off and then the second make it somewhat prettier instead of having it be just plane white and grey.

Wes didn't take long to finish his food. I guess he was very hungry. Once he finished we called down for the staff to come grab the trays and left it outside. Now, that everything was cleaned up we headed down to the car to go to the track.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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