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Wonder Woman

Luisinha, Kelly, Isa, Carla, and Carmen

Luisinha added Alyssa to the group chat

Luisinha: Hey girl welcome to the wags group chat

Alyssa: Thank you, but Charles and I aren't official yet

Kelly: Technically you are. Just because you and Charles haven't made it official yet doesn't mean you aren't a wag. You've been on dates and have only been talking to each other exclusively

Isa: I agree with Kelly and if you hear how Charles talks about you to Carlos you would think you guys have been dating for years

Alyssa: Is it really official if he doesn't ask me to be his girlfriend.

Carla: Listen girl I know you're nervous and hesitant about this since he is a famous f1 driver and your past relationships haven't been the best, but you know Arthur wouldn't let his own brother play you

Alyssa: I know and I can't help that I'm hesitant its the way I'm wired now

Luisinha: We know girl and we aren't blaming you. We just want you to be able to enjoy something that's blossoming

Kelly: My advice Lyss is to have a conversation with Charles. This way you can figure out whether he actually likes you. The conversation will give Charles the opportunity to make his feelings known and allow you to also express yourself

Carla: I agree with what Kelly has said. If you need to talk to Arthur before you have the conversation with Charles so that way you can get some of your anxiety out


Sorry for the short chapter. I've been busy with my college classes but I'm going to try and update more frequently but please be patient with me.

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