7- Alyssa

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Day after the date

The Avengers

Members: Max, Kelly, Lando, Luisinah, Arthur, Carla, Daniel, Lewis, and Mick

Arthur: I saw the instagram pictures from your date now you need to tell us the details

Luisinah: I agree with Arthur I need to know everything

Max: I don't need to know all the details

Kelly: Max stop it come on. You want the details stop acting like you don't cause you are just as invested as I am in this budding romance

Carla: Okay Lyss tell us everything.

Alyssa: Okay he was really sweet about everything. He was such a gentleman. He opened all the doors for me. Charles even asked if I was okay with him posting some pictures from our date on his instagram. He made me feel safe and I've never felt like this in a long time. He held my hand when we walked, protected me and we talked about everything.

Luisinah: That's so cute.

Mick: I'm glad he's treating you right

Max: Me too, but let me know if he does something that makes you uncomfortable or hurts you cause I will hurt him

Lando: I agree with Max. All of us boys agree with Max. We will be here for you and protect you when you need it. We trust you but once you get hurt us boys will go after Charles

Kelly: Boys he hasn't done anything bad yet so don't think like that

Alyssa: Boys please promise me that no matter what happens between Charles and I you won't hurt him or pick a fight

Max: I can't promise that

Arthur: I promise I won't fight my brother but that doesn't mean that if he hurts you that I'll be nice to him

Lando: I agree with Max I can't promise that I won't hurt him if he hurts you

Mick: Violence is never the answer, but I will be mean to Charles if he hurts you Lyss

Carla: Come on boys let's be positive. We all know Charles. He isn't like that.

Kelly: I agree with Carla we all know he does the right things so we should have faith that he'll also do right by Lyssa

Luisinah: ^ by the sounds of it based off of the first date he is treating her like a princess

Alyssa: I just checked my messages and caught up with the conversation. He is treating me like a princess, but I'm afraid and skeptical that it's too good to be true and that I'll get hurt

Arthur: I know you're scared, but you deserve to live your life and be happy

Mick: Don't let your past relationships affect the future and your happiness. It's okay to be wary and scared, but don't let that stop you from finding a happy, loving and healthy relationship. If you need anything or any advice you know you have all of us  

My Brother's Best Friend [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now