9- Alyssa

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Today's the day that I'll be going to the Austria race with Charles. We're leaving today because he has media to do. I was nervous because this is the first time I'll be traveling abroad with Charles. I packed a lot of cute outfits for the trip and a couple of extra clothing articles since I'm unsure of what we'll be doing. While I was grabbing my last things Charles texted me that he was here. I quickly closed my suitcase and put my shoes on and walked out. Charles was waiting outside the car for me and opened the door. Once I got in he started to head off. However, once we started driving I noticed we weren't going to the public airport, but to a private one. I was confused so I asked "Charles how are we getting to Austria?" He looked at me with a smile "we're taking the private plane that I usually take on vacations and to races." I was shocked so I nodded my head. I'm not used to things like this. Once we arrived to the private airport Charles parked his car, grabbed both of our bags and led me to the plane.

*skip plane ride*

Once we arrived to Austria we had to head out quickly to check into the hotel so Charles could go to do his interviews and media that he had to do. Once we got to the hotel we checked into our rooms. Luckily Charles got two rooms. Once I was in my room Charles texted me that he was almost ready since he just had to change his clothes. Luckily our rooms were next to each other. After a couple more minutes I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and saw it was Charles. I quick;y grabbed my purse and we headed out to his media duties. His media duties consisted of a photoshoot and doing this or that video. It was awesome to see what Charles does outside of the track for F1.

After all the interviews were finished we went out to grab something to eat together. As we were sitting together at dinner Charles held my hand and we were talking. Charles looked nervous. He looked up and asked "I know you've had a tough past, but since I don't know the specifics why is Arthur so protective of you?" I was shocked that he asked and wasn't sure if I should tell him why yet or not. I was thinking it over and decided that if I wanted whatever Charles and I have to continue and grow then I have to tell him the truth. "As you know my past hasn't been the best. I've been abused and neglected my entire life starting from my parents and that continued into my relationships. Arthur's the first person to actually care for me and my well-being. He's always taken care of me." 

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