8- Charles

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After the date with Alyssa I couldn't get how good it felt to be with someone like her. She has such a great personality and it's a bonus because she already gets along with my family. While I was in thought I noticed my phone lighting up. When I looked down at my phone I saw that it was Alyssa texting me.

*text messages*

Alyssa: Hey Charles I wanted to thank you for an amazing date. It was wonderful being able to get to know you more on a deeper level.

I stared at the text not knowing what to respond to her. After typing out my response multiple times I finally sent my response back to her.

Charles: I also had such a wonderful time with you on our date tonight. Hopefully we can go on another date together soon

Alyssa: I would love that Charles

After receiving Alyssa's message I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. I was happy that she wanted to go on another date with me. It was pretty late so I decided to get ready to head to bed. Once I was changed into my sweats I heard my phone ringing. I looked down and saw that it was a facetime call from Arthur. I picked up the call and as soon as I did Arthur started asking me a ton of questions.

*Facetime call*

Arthur: How'd your date go with Alyssa? Please tell me you treated her well.

Charles: It went really well. Of course I treated her well.

Arthur: Good. I'm glad. What did you guys do?

Charles: I know you saw my instagram post so you know what we did

Arthur: Okay you're right I saw the post. I'm just calling to make sure that everything went well and that Alyssa is being treated well.

Charles: Don't take this question the wrong way, but why are you so protective of her?

Arthur: The reason why is a story that isn't mine to tell you. All I can say is that her past has shaped who she is and how she acts

Charles: What happens when I bring it up and she doesn't want to talk about it

Arthur: If you ask and she doesn't want to talk about it then you have to be understanding and wait for her to be mentally ready to tell her story.

Charles: Okay. I will because I want her to trust me and tell me without me pushing her.

*end of facetime call*

Once the facetime call with Arthur ended I laid down in bed and turned on the tv. As I was watching tv my phone vibrated. I checked to see who it was and saw that it was Alyssa.

*text message*

Alyssa: hey Charles I just wanted to say thank you again for a wonderful night

Charles: Of course it was my pleasure and I also had a wonderful night as well. I was going to text you tomorrow, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to the next race weekend with me. We can fly together if you want and you're comfortable with it as well

Alyssa: Of course I'll come with you to the next race weekend. When do you have to be there?

Charles: I have to be there Thursday

Alyssa: Okay sounds good. Are we flying out Wednesday

Charles: Yeah we're going to fly out Wednesday. I'll come and get you from your apartment Wednesday afternoon

Alyssa: Awesome. I'm looking forward to it. Would it be possible to borrow some of your Ferrari apparel if I'm watching the race from the garage because I don't have any ferrari gear

Charles: Of course you can

Alyssa: Alright I'll see you Wednesday afternoon. I'm going to head to bed since I'm tired  

My Brother's Best Friend [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now